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Friday, August 08, 2014

When a Psychiatrist Shoots to Kill

A doctor defended himself and others from a violent patient, but he had to break a no-gun policy to do so.

‘More might have died if doctor had not shot gunman” — so read the headline in the Philadelphia Inquirer on July 27. On the previous Thursday, a patient, Richard Plotts, entered the office of his psychiatrist, Lee Silverman, M.D., with his caseworker, Theresa Hunt. Plotts then became very upset and killed Hunt with two shots to her head. While this was happening, Dr. Silverman tried to take cover, drew his handgun, and shot the attacker three times. The doctor suffered slight wounds from bullets that grazed his head and hit his thumb. Staffers then succeeded in subduing the wounded Plotts. He was hospitalized in critical condition and now faces murder charges.

District attorney Jack Whelan said: “If Dr. Silverman did not have the firearm and did not utilize the firearm, he’d be dead today. And other people would be dead.” In fact, the doctor had breached the facility’s “no firearms” policy by carrying a weapon with him to work. The facility released a statement saying that it looked forward to his “return to serving patients at our hospital.”



  1. Since when does policy trump civil liberties? They can ask but do you have to comply?

  2. As soon as he gets back, they will fire him, but can't tell him THAT yet...
    Do you REALLY think they (our "leaders") are going to let him become a hero or an example?
    He's a law breaking, gun-toting, rule ignoring maverick. A "terrorist".
    They would rather see a whole ward of bodies than admit that carrying a gun is a GOOD thing and can save lives, especially your own.
    Now, lets talk about how the police prevented some crime here....lol.


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