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Sunday, August 03, 2014

What is Wind Turbine Syndrome?

Wind Turbines Cause Human Health Problems:

  • Turbine "blade thump" noise causes a health problem known as Wind Turbine Syndrome
  • Symptoms include:
    • Sleep disturbance
    • Headache
    • Ringing or buzzing in the ears
    • Dizziness
    • Vertigo
    • Nausea
    • Visual blurring
    • Rapid heart rate
    • Irritability
    • Problems with concentration and memory
    • Panic episodes associated with sensations of internal pulsation or quivering, which arise while awake or asleep
Need a crash course on WTS? If you’ve got only 10 minutes and you want to know what all this “Wind Turbine Syndrome” stuff is about—read “Inconvenient Truths,” by Pierpont. Short and to the point.  (Clickhere for Pierpont’s curriculum vitae.)
If you’ve got another 20 minutes to spare, read “Wind Turbine Syndrome:  A Twenty-Minute Crash Course.”
If you want the latest clinical thinking on WTS, read “Wind Turbine Syndrome and the Brain,” likewise by Pierpont.
If you want more detail, but in plain English, read “Your Guide to WTS.”
If you’re interested only in the noise and vibration from turbines, read “How Loud Is Too Loud,” by Kamperman & James, two distinguished noise engineers.


  1. Fruitland Generic CitizenAugust 2, 2014 at 11:05 AM

    Because coal mines are sooooo much healthier for us...

  2. 11:05 -- Hey Bozo, most of the coal used for electric power is now the low sulfur grade that is surface mined in the western US.

  3. Now Ireton wants to have wind turbines here in Salisbury and says it will create lots of jobs.

    He was on TV last night shilling for the investment group from Texas that wants to do the wind farms in Somerset County.

  4. 11:05
    When you are freezing in the dark because people like you outlawed coal, I hope you enjoy it.

  5. My goodness , some more crap to complain about , try getting over cancer or heart problems , that will surely make you sick .
    Maybe climb to the top a wind turbine and then just jump off.

  6. Windmills going to RAISE electric prices not lower them.

  7. Yes, Electric prices will rise &
    for better information so you'll
    Know what you're talking about---
    Read the suggested material!!!!

    It's all about the Money---They do
    not care the damage these Wind T.
    will cause!

  8. most comments are good. you understand the facts and truth regarding wind turbines and the connection to government "monies" aka tax dollars.

    I don't know who the tree hugger is, but you would be better off not saying anything because you don't know anything. period...

  9. Wind turbines are SOLD to the local rubes by salesmen and not the people who either manufacture or operate them. Somerset County is SO desperate for ANYTHING that
    wether or not it is good or bad they`ll accept it EVEN if its bad.
    The County rulers only see revenue and NOT the destruction to the skyline of the shore or the longevity of these hulking monsters. THEY KNOW the electricity WON`T be generated for the GOOD of the Delmarva area but put on the grid for use in OTHER areas of demand. They don`t care even though they were elected by the RESIDENTS AND TAXPAYERS of the County. This is what you get when the Commisioners run UN-OPPOSED. The good ole`boy network is alive and well in SOMERSET COUNTY!

  10. I can't wait to hear that list of symptoms in an upcoming Stephan L Miles commercial.

  11. Exactly 12:13. Unfortunately we've got a bunch of brain deads in this country who are such good robots they eat the BS they are fed by the shovelfuls. Does it taste good 11:05? You really need to get the heck off the shore and see what's going on in the real world with these turbines. No doubt you know all about the Kardashians but important things you are clearly clueless. Go and educate yourself about not only coal but the turbines.
    The fact is that in Europe these turbines have caused electric prices to sky rocket. Instead of learning from Europe's mistakes and calling out the politicians who are only promoting turbines because it lines the pockets of their donors, the robots repeat the propaganda.
    The only good part is we can tell them "told you so" when the turbines fail just like we can do with obamacare.

  12. Germany built lots of turbines, then discovered that they didn't supply any useable power. Germany now buys power from France who had the foresight to build nuclear reactors. They actually supply power.

  13. Back in the day farmers used windmills for things other than generating electricity.My grandfather used his to pump water from a well to his house and to the livestock.

  14. You can get all that from your smart meter, too.

  15. Somerset has been sold out by their commissioners and Jim Mathias. Watch out Wicomico and Worcester, you guys are next.

    700' industrial turbines belong in an industrial zone, not rural neighborhoods.

  16. I want to go fishing tomorrow , I hope I catch something . I also want to go get a nice meal tomorrow. I love this weather , don't you people. It's nice and cool for a change , really nice.
    I don't know a friggin thing about wind turbines, like all of you idiots commenting.

  17. 5:31 --

    Hi Jim (Ireton and Mathais).

    We the people are not as dumb as you think we are -- or as you are.

  18. Mar Twain wisely said, "It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled."
    Hey Mathias & Ireton looks like you took the bait.

  19. Low Frequency Noise emitted by industrial wind turbines make many people sick. Some people are immune to it. It is like motion sickness, some people are affected and some are not. The consequences for those who are impacted are debilitating.

  20. Thanks SBY News for getting some of this information out to the public! A wind turbine that is HIGHER than the Washington Monument, ain't your Grandfather's windmill!


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