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Friday, August 08, 2014

What Ebola Outbreak Would Look Like In U.S.

According to a senior health fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, the world has no strategic plan to contain the worst Ebola outbreak in history while scientists are saying an outbreak on U.S. soil would require sweeping measures.

Total quarantine of cities or sections of infected cities and restrictions on air travel could be expected.

“We’re now in a perfect storm,” Laurie Garrett said in a CFR conference call Thursday in which she described the United Nations World Health Organization as “bankrupt” and drowning in debt. “There is no strategic plan for how this epidemic will be brought under control.”


  1. So let's open our borders and let just anybody in from whatever country at any age for no reason.

    There! I just killed my Country!

  2. What would it look like?
    A lot like the German clearing ("cleaning up", for you wanna-be Nazi's) of the Jewish ghetto's and the rounding up of the residents.
    Gunpoint. Dogs. Police and military separating families. Some citizens blown away, you know, to set an example.
    Oh, right.
    It could never happen here.
    I think thats what they said, too.
    If I'm not mistaken, most of the civilized world said the same thing, too.
    How'd that turn out?
    Keep cheering.


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