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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Water Search Underway In Downtown OC

The Dispatch

BREAKING NEWS: Water Search Underway In Downtown OC
Emergency officials are currently on the scene of a water rescue and search for a child who reportedly has not surfaced while swimming in the ocean off Worcester Street.

UPDATE: Child has been recovered. Condition working to be verified
Update: victim has been transported to hospital via ambulance. Police on scene taking witness statements


  1. So sad. We always told our children going in the ocean wasn't allowed unless a lifeguard was on duty. We weren't lying. It wasn't allowed by us, but the children didn't know that part of the equation.

  2. I think it was an older child. Maybe a teen ager. Hispanic maybe. Someone I know saw the incident unfolding.

  3. ME tones just went off and they are en-route to AGH. Hope it's not related.


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