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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Today's Survey Question 8-13-14

Should we, (Americans) consider banning ALL businesses that do not pay taxes in America? 

Walgreens recently considered it but public pressure stopped them from moving their headquarters to Switzerland.


  1. nope, we should do away with income tax altogether and go to a sales tax based system.

  2. Or smack them with tariffs that prohibit sales in the U.S.?
    To what end?
    Encouraging business to leave even more than we have with non-competitive taxation and labor costs, we are stuck in a rut. The entire labor, taxation, wage, selling price and concepts of banking and profit have to be reexamined.
    Our economy is the poster child for economic ignorance and social blundering. It cannot be "fixed" to return to its once self-acclaimed shining example of reaching for the heights of the best in societies when it cannot regulate itself to adjust to World conditions. Fools who thought that there were bigger fools who ignored the rest of the world's condition are now the true fools; and they are us.

  3. Absolutely! If they incorporate in another country and want to do business here, they should pay like everyone else. Need to end all the fair trade deals like NAFTA, GATT, AND CAFTA. They have been disastrous for the american people and the U.S. economy in general. You can't prosper in a service only economy. Politicians who signed these bills from both parties should be tried and hung for treason!

  4. Yes flat tax Herman...Canes idea 999..isnt it funny how guys who would turn country around like Herman and Ross Perot..dont get elected because the pupet master dont want them in

  5. No as companies don't pay taxes as they either collect it from customers, employees or stockholders. If you don't understand that concept you are a registered Democrat.


  7. The elected officials, who make the laws, aren't paying their taxes, or take advantage of the loopholes they left in for themselves. Why shouldn't business' and individuals, follow the "leader"?

  8. Simple: Tax income from Americans at 35% as they pass through our borders to the "external" businesses.

    Want tax discounts while dealing with Americans? Be an American company.

  9. It very niave to believe that corporations pay taxes, they do not, the customers do. Companies are leaving the burdensome, spendthrift, overregulated economy of the US of A so they can compete in the world economy. That the Politicos want to grandstand against them without understanding week 1 of Economics 101 - put an "X" inside an "L" for the basis of economics, the companies have every right to find the best environment.

    Those saying boycott them are the same ones saying "I'm so filthy rich I going to spend my extra money at places that offer me less value for more money." Stupid does as stupid is - and it can't be fixed.

  10. All companies doing bussiness in the U.S., whether they are incorporated here or not should pay a flat fee, tax, surcharge, tariff or what ever else you want to call it. No deductions or write off's. If they feel they need some sort of break to be competitive it should be looked at every year and based upon profits.

  11. Taxation without representation has consumed America.
    Take up arms and buy more ammo , it's a commin shortly , just like our forefathers did it.

  12. Yes, Yes, and Yes.


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