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Thursday, August 21, 2014

This Photo Shows a California Lake Three Years Ago. The Second Shows How It Looks Now.

It’s no secret that California has endured a severe drought for the past three years — but some Americans may not realize exactly how serious it is.

Before and after photographs, however, may change that

The top photos picture Lake Oroville three summers ago, in July 2011.


  1. To learn why this has happened and why it will get worse, google: Dane Wigington, geoengineeringwatch.org

    Enjoy the education

  2. There is no "education" on that site! Ever since the jet engine was invented, they have always left vapor trails in atmosphere of certain altitudes and humidities.


    Please remove your tin foil hat, 603, and go back to your bunker....

  3. Time to get those desalination plants going up and down the CA coast.

  4. Bad Photo shopping.

  5. I told you they were pumping that water out to put into bottles to sell to china and to sell to us...

    and to make a drought... its old but there was a senator from texas who was in an interview years back who was in his 80's of age saying this was what was happening...

    even said the great lakes were being sucked dry and someone did a study and saw the great lakes go down in level by 5 feet in one year...

  6. Sorry folks, but the first commenter is correct. This is an engineered drought.

    The torrential rains in our Midwest was California's rain. It was "migrated" further east.

    The once-valuable farm land in the Mississippi river valley has been turned to mush. Now Monsanto and Archer Daniels Midland can buy it up cheap.

  7. They can't allow it to rain in California until someone figures out a way to deal with Fukushima Radiation.

    I agree with the first commenter.

  8. I'd like to cut California off the US, and push it over towards Japan. Nothing good comes from California... Floriduh would be second.

  9. They say it never rains is California, but man, it pours, man, it pours......great song.


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