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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

These Two Businesses Did NOT Get Looted… Can You Guess Why?

While scores of businesses in Ferguson were being looted by out of control rioters Sunday night, a couple of them went the evening without incident.

If you’re wondering why, then check out the following picture for the answer.

Nobody is robbing St. Louis Ink Tattoo Studio anytime soon. Or County Guns, for that matter.

The two north county businesses share a storefront in a Florissant strip mall less than ten minute drive from the epicenter of last night’s riots in Ferguson.



  1. That is how to treat looters....get rid of them permanently Good going

  2. Who would want to loot a tattoo shop?

  3. 2:19 They stole hair extension because they can be sold for money. So your answer is...to sell everything for money or drug trades. BTW...Maryland will be having none of this...we keep our guns and citizens in check.

  4. Protect your own the way it should be.


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