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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Kochs' Plan To Beat Harry Reid

LAS VEGAS — Harry Reid’s reelection is more than two years off, but the Koch brothers’ political machine is already methodically laying the groundwork that will be used to try to take him out.

The efforts in recent months have been largely subterranean, but they are unmistakable. A handful of nonprofit groups in the vast political network helmed by allies of the conservative billionaires Charles and David Koch have established or expanded permanent ground operations in Reid’s backyard. Focused on wooing key demographics like Latinos and veterans, they’ve also paid for ads assailing the Senate Democratic leader.

Reid, meanwhile, is ramping up his home-state political operation, quietly moving to undercut Koch-backed operations here, as well as working to neutralize potential GOP opponents.



  1. Classic example of the rich and powerful Koch Brothers( 2nd wealthiest family) influencing government..

  2. Probably because Harry Reis is an asshat

  3. I pray they succeed.8:43 does the name George Soros ring a bell for you?

  4. Koch brothers.. George Soros... It's really no difference..billionaires using their wealth and power to influence policy that is in their best interest...

  5. Can we convince them to take out Peloser, Feinstein, and Wasserman-Schultz too?!

  6. 8:43 Reid is in the top 5 of the most corrupt politicians in existence. We shouldn't need the rich family to out him, but people are stupid, and are riding his handout wave... all while lining his families pockets.

  7. Maybe he'll have the big one by then.

  8. The nation would be better off if the brother actually Beat him with baseball bats and killed him!


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