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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Study: Twitter Has Potential To ‘Induce Psychotic Symptoms’

LONDON (CBS Sacramento) – A new study finds that the downside to global social networks is the potential to ‟aggravate or even induce psychotic symptoms” in psychologically vulnerable patients.

Five doctors examined the real-life case of a 31-year-old woman the authors called ‟Mrs. C,” who was admitted to the psychiatric ward of a hospital in Berlin.

Medical records showed “Mrs. C” had never shown signs of any kind of personality disorder until she was committed following a year-long obsession withTwitter.

‟Sometimes, she would spend several hours a day reading and writing messages, neglecting her social relationships and, sometimes, even meals and regular sleeping hours,” said the study.



  1. I know a guy who has been up for twenty seven years on the Internet. But, then, he never was anything close to normal.

  2. Everything and anything CAN induce a psychotic symptom and even a psychotic episode.
    The "doctors" who engaged this study should be aware of this otherwise they aren't worth a hoot as medical professionals.

  3. Duh...any abuse has consequences...these guys have PHDs from which libtard U? I think the jury is still out on the effects of these new small handheld objects...It already apparent it creates diassociation with reality and social inept misfits who cant add or talk without a machine


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