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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Star Witness In Michael Brown Shooting Charged With Theft, Filing False Police Report

Dorian Johnson, the primary witness to the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, has an outstanding warrant for a 2011 theft in Jefferson City and pleaded guilty for filing a false police report related to that theft.

St. Louis ABC affiliate ABC 17 cross referenced Johnson’s name against several records and discovered the warrant.

Johnson will be the star witness for any potential prosecution proceedings against Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting of Brown. Johnson was walking with Brown when the shooting occurred.

He has already done multiple media appearances where he falsely claimedBrown was shot by Wilson in the back. He also has claimed that Brown never reached for Wilson’s gun, was “shot like an animal” and that Brown had his hands up and told Wilson he was unarmed.

Johnson’s claims helped inspire the protests and riots in Ferguson over the past 10 days, as well as the “Hands up, don’t shoot” rallying cry of the protesters and their supporters.


  1. I'm sure all the Witnesses for Michael Brown were model citizens!

  2. He needs to be charged with the looting and B&E plus any other charges they can come up with...inciting a roit along with Jackson and Sharpton, lock 'em up and throw the key away!!!! LOW MORAL SCUM!!!

  3. He needs to be charged for inciting a RIOT.

  4. wasn't he an accessory to robbery since he was with brown during this robbery and received the cigars from brown? who ya gonna believe me or your lying eyes?

  5. Oh no, I am shocked by this he looks like an upstanding model citizen.

  6. 2:39 you are the only one making sense in the comments.

  7. It's not his fault. He didn't have anyplace to play when he was growing up. Plus he doesn't have a daddy.

  8. If Obama had a son....

  9. Anonymous said...
    2:39 you are the only one making sense in the comments.

    August 21, 2014 at 3:10 PM

    You must be an idiot!!

  10. No say it aint so. I'm sure he is one of the many upstanding citizens in Ferguson..the same ones looting all the stores. Really, what do you expect from this culture. It will never be enough for them. They will continue to take until there is nothing left. I for one am sick of it.

  11. If his lips are moving.....he's lying.

  12. they were on their way to college........lets get to the important facts in this whole mess.... where are the cigars???

  13. There won't be a prosecution because the shooter was a cop.

    Where do these people get these stories?

    Cops don't get prosecuted.

  14. Excellent witness don't b salty cause the white le punk is going down. Lucky he go down this way n not like poor Michael brown did!

  15. Eric Holder will be all over him lying to authorities! Not...

  16. Anonymous said...
    Your the IDIOT.

    August 21, 2014 at 4:31 PM

    WOW!! What a comeback!!


    You soft hearted libtard!

  17. Anonymous said...
    they were on their way to college........lets get to the important facts in this whole mess.... where are the cigars???

    August 21, 2014 at 5:24 PM

    Hadley has them.

  18. talk about cover up, blacks in this case have more to hide.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    talk about cover up, blacks in this case have more to hide.

    August 24, 2014 at 12:24 PM

    what do they have to hide more than kops?


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