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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Reporter: More Than A Dozen Witnesses Corroborate Cop's Story

This ruffled some feathers on Twitter, Monday night.

People are understandably wondering why the incident report hasn't been made public. Why hasn't Darren Wilson been allowed to to tell his side of the story? 

John Hinderaker at Powerline noted:

At this point, those who are disposed not to believe whatever he says will think that the Ferguson police deliberately put off releasing Wilson’s account to see what other information–videos, eyewitness accounts, autopsy findings–would come out that potentially might contradict it. That is unfortunate.

Could the suppression of the incident report be for the same reason the liqueur store surveillance video was suppressed for nearly a week?


  1. The truth doesn't matter to these people. They don't care. They are hateful ignorant creatures.

  2. White cop shoots black thug sells papers, white cop shoots thug attacking him, is just news.

  3. One has to believe, at this point, that law enforcement has had something to hide all along, and is conjuring a 'full story statement' atm.

  4. took them over a week to find these 'witnesses', or it took a week to coach them?

  5. I believe that I would make this statement even if it were my son. "Taunt a man with a gun and then apparent charge him, don't be surprised if you get shot!"

  6. Sure you would 4:42...yep I'm sure you would.

  7. As much as I love this site for it's news and insight, it is part of the problem behind these riots. SO MUCH speculation from SO MANY different angles... particularly with blog sites. Fortunately there wasn't a lot of speculation on sbynews, but if it happened anywhere in Maryland or Delaware? Forget about it. This site would be a speculative wasteland of viewpoints from all sides and everyone here knows it.

    We should have all just waited until the investigation made actual progress.

    There should have been perhaps 3 articles:
    1. Police-involved shooting; under investigation
    2. Summary of investigation
    3. Result of the case

    The 24/7 of this stuff is killing the citizens on all sides of any issue. The only ones who win are the media. Its disgusting.

  8. My god - why is it that these media-manipulated fools can't accept the fact that the cop shot in self-defense? We've seen this scenario before. Skittles?


  9. I respect Powerline; they're excellent and rarely off target. But they missed on this point.

    While the police may have been required to release the strong arm robbery video (emphasis on may), it provided the first clue that Brown may not have been a choir boy.

    I think the police are entitled, and probably required, to keep their investigation information close to the vest until they are ready to share it with the District (State's) Attorney as part of making a decision to charge or not to charge anyone.

    The phrase "Loose lips sink ships" comes to mind. If the officer was reckless they don't want to undermine their case. If he was justified, they need to have as many details nailed down as possible before making that conclusion public also.

  10. I think the police are entitled, and probably required, to keep their investigation information close to the vest until they are ready to share it with the District (State's) Attorney as part of making a decision to charge or not to charge anyone.

    The phrase "Loose lips sink ships" comes to mind. If the officer was reckless they don't want to undermine their case. If he was justified, they need to have as many details nailed down as possible before making that conclusion public also.

    August 19, 2014 at 6:21 PM

    what need, pray tell, is there in withholding the name of the officer? the number of shots fired and shots that hit Mike Brown? the injury that allegedly the kop received? and others I can't think of.

    the police are far from transparent, they reacted poorly and excessively. not to mention all the rambo wannabe's running around in cammo costumes pointing semi-auto rifles in anyone's and everyone's face.

    Then there is the tear gas. Which is allowed to be used in war time but is allowed to be used on American citizens, exercising their constitutional rights, including a state senator and reporters?

    Snipers set up on rooftops aiming at protesters? And that is not the first time, re:Bundy's ranch.

    If this crap by leo's is allowed to continue, expect it everywhere, including here. They are already gearing up for it.


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