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Monday, August 11, 2014

SPD Press Release 8-11-14 (Bicycle Thefts)


  1. Didn't George Zimmerman get in trouble when a juvenile that didn't live in his residential area was questioned by him. Most will respond call the police, sure every time a juvenile enters my resident I don't think lives there or looks suspicious I need to call the police. Okay stand by for a lot of phone calls.

  2. Can we re-name the bike lanes by the college as getaway lanes?

  3. Watched a guy walking across the street near the park
    with two bicycles in hand and now I wish I would have taken his picture.....he was probably stealing both of those bikes and unfortunately I just did not think at that moment. They looked like really nice bicycles and this dude looked pretty shady looking! I am sure they were not his bikes now that I read this.

  4. When you call SPD don't expect them to be very interested in what you're saying if it's about suspicious activity.


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