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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sins & Secrets Ocean City, MD


  1. Bleecch. I don't live far from Ocean City. Haven't been there for years. No plans to go, either. What a blight.

  2. Goes to show you can not trust anyone you don't know well. No matter how nice they seem, how well dressed they are etc do not trust them and esp do not go home with anyone.

  3. dittos. I prefer Chincoteague, Assateague, Bethany, Ocean View and more. O.C. is the dregs...

  4. Yes I just watched this not to long ago again. I remember this like it was yesterday.

    That's what happens when you attract trash to Ocean City without thinking about the local people and it being a home town resort.

  5. Should have been titled "Sins and Seacrets"

  6. Wow. That happened in 2002? I wish I would've known that or I certainly wouldn't have brought my family here to this obvious Den of Horror for the past 12 years to what I had previously thought were fun and carefree vacations.
    Let's do the math: 12 years times 300,000 visitors = 3,600.000 people. Out of those three million, two psychopaths found their way to the beach.
    Two out of three and a half million. I just don't like those odds.
    That's it... I'm done with Ocean City.
    I'm just going to stay home in Baltimore for out next vacation.

  7. I'm glad all of you are staying away from OC.Now I might not have to wait in line for french fries quite as long.

  8. Those 2 freaks should have gotten the death penalty !

  9. Nasty place; nasty people.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Those 2 freaks should have gotten the death penalty !

    August 17, 2014 at 6:05 PM

    I'm thinking the other couple thought they were going to be getting into some kinky sex and some swinging which is very popular around here and OC.

  11. We were in Bethany Beach the day that they found the bodies.


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