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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Riots Turn Violent In Ferguson, Missouri

Ferguson, Missouri looting during a riot following the shooting of a teenager by police. Rioters have turned violent injuring police officers and looting several businesses. Stores are also being lit on fire. Hundreds of police are responding.

Here are more links to other videos



These guys are guarding their store in between lots of looting. Some poor dude tried to buy liquor, but it's past 12. 


  1. Any excuse to act like animals.

  2. No justice No peace

  3. they so stupid they decimate their own neighborhood. that show the man!

  4. I'm sorry, but the mother said my son didn't do nothing to nobody. Well pushing an officer into his car, scuffling with him, sounds like a whole lot of something. She also said I a live interview, it isn't up to the police to take him off this earth, its up to me, I'm his mother. I am sorry for the situation and now all the uproar sharpton will bring to it.

  5. I wonder what Al Sharpton has to say about this.

  6. Sharpton should keep hiss dullton mouth shut...moron.

    1. Al Sharpton = A black bag of self serving hot air. Martin Luther King, he's not.

  7. Animals. Behavior like this, they will NEVER get respect.

  8. They should direct their displeasure at the mercenaries, with ALL prejudice.

  9. I hope with all the videos that were taken they are able to catch most of these animals. I also hope that the stores don't reopen and the ones in the area close down because of this. I hate a theif. Nothing gives them the right to do what they did. NOTHING!

    1. store owner should be locked and loaded just like when the right happenedafter Rodney King incident I tried the same crap and burn down their own neighborhoods lol

  10. You have to guard your property when riots occur, check your insurance policies, your stuff is not covered in a riot. The police won't stop looters, so it is up to you, and we all know, the threat of being shot detours a lot of the law breakers!

  11. I liked the picture of the graffiti that said,' the only good cop is a dead cop'.

  12. just another way of Obama's people showing how much I can't stand when the police break the law but what do they do they break the lawjust another excuse to loot and riot and get free stuff

  13. If these would have been Korean owners they would have protected their stores with guns like they did in California.


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