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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Resort Powerless To Stop Boardwalk Pole Dancing Show?

OCEAN CITY — Perhaps emboldened by two prior federal court rulings that essentially defined freedom of expression and First Amendment rights as they apply to street performing in Ocean City, a 27-year-old Frederick woman has created quite a stir and pushed the envelope when she set up a pole dancing operation on the Boardwalk.

Chelsea Bell Plymale, 27, of Frederick, the self-styled “Pole Doll of Ocean City,” set up her pole-dancing operation on the Boardwalk at 2nd Street last Saturday night, instantly causing a large crowd to form and setting off public comments about what is and what is not acceptable on the famous promenade. She has been seen several times this week as well and on Thursday morning told her followers on Facebook she would be back out on 2nd Street after dark.

Backed by two U.S. District Court decisions in the last two years that went against the town of Ocean City and its ordinance regarding street performers, buskers all summer have been nudging closer to the line of what is deemed acceptable and what is not acceptable on the Boardwalk.



  1. I rather see her than bums walking with their pants half off their butt on the boardwalk.

  2. Hell , I haven't been to OC since 1961 when I graduated , I'm headed that way now to see this.
    She's a pretty nice looking woman.
    I'm 40 minutes from OC , this is worth the trip.

  3. OC is so family friendly that parents can stop every block at a different bar to get a drink so they can make it thru the day

  4. No one - specifically no news outlet - has addressed this question, which is:
    Is this situation unique to Ocean City, or do other nearby resort towns (Bethany and Rehoboth) have this problem? And if they do not, how have they controlled it?

  5. Too may old people in control in Bethany not going to happen there.

  6. I think the problems in Rehoboth are much bigger than this.

  7. Oh, God, 7:08, I just choked! seeing this in a "Rehobeth" venue with a guy doing this just grosses me out!

  8. A girl doing a pole dance in Rehobeth won't get a first look let alone a second. A guy doing a pole dance however would gather a huge crowd.

  9. Such a "classy" person...2 prostitution convictions. And apparently is an "escort". Just what you want on the boardwalk for the kiddies to see.

  10. I have seen it on the Drudge Report.

  11. at least she isn't shoplifting or selling drugs

  12. Glad to hear she is an Escort, now I know I am going to ask her out on a date, and I will get some action!

  13. No big deal, hell, they have can can girls dancing in saloons in Frontier town and that is a children's amusement place. It's been going on for years, my boy's loved watching them 25 years ago and they turned out just fine.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No one - specifically no news outlet - has addressed this question, which is:
    Is this situation unique to Ocean City, or do other nearby resort towns (Bethany and Rehoboth) have this problem? And if they do not, how have they controlled it?

    August 15, 2014 at 7:08 PM

    Evidently you haven't been paying attention as 'local' news has reported on strip clubs elsewhere on the shore. This girl has more class than most of the commenters on here, and on the boards.

  15. I haven't heard anything more lately about the Trimper lawsuit.

  16. Keep worrying about "Sagging" and "Profanity" and "skateboarding" on the boardwalk.. I thought that was the real issues everyone was focused on..

  17. 9:46-The difference is people aren't running up on the stage at Frontier Town trying to put money in the pants of the dancers, nor or they yelling sexually suggestive comments to them.
    This particular form of "art" has always been associated in the US with strip clubs and bachelor parties and that's exactly the atmosphere it creates on the Boardwalk.

  18. The Russian mofia is involved in this I'm sure. Ocean city police knows the mob is in town and has been for years.

  19. She's starting to grow on me. While I have absolutely disdain what she is doing and has done, the more I read about her I feel sorry for her. Her other job can put her in very dangerous situations and I really don't feel like reading something bad has happened to her.
    If I had a daughter she'd look like Chelsea. Highly doubtful but the slim possibility does make me worry about her and all young people for that matter.

  20. She wasn't out last night. I wonder if JR knows why?

  21. Chris Yingling has friended her pole doll site as well. All I'm going to say is some people really need to grow up.


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