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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Rep. Harris Releases Statement on OIG Investigation of MD Exchange

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Andy Harris, M.D., has learned that the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General has issued subpoenas into the operation of the MD Health Exchange. Congressman Andy Harris and Congressman Jack Kingston had requested the OIG look into the failed MD Health Exchange. The audit has moved into a full-blown investigation, as evidence of fraud appears to be present. Lieutenant Governor Brown was in charge of overseeing the execution of the exchange.

Congressman Andy Harris, M.D., released the following statement:

“The Office of Inspector General has moved this from an audit into a full-blown investigation. The investigation has included the issuing of subpoenas. I called for the audit of the Maryland exchange because tens of millions of taxpayer dollars were wasted, and those who wasted them should be held accountable. Now we know that fraud may have occurred and subpoenas have been issued. Lt. Gov. Brown was in charge of the exchange, and it appears fraud may have gone on under his watch. Those who wasted and abused taxpayer money, including politicians, must be held accountable."


  1. A tremendous amount of taxpayer money is spent by the government on waste and fraud. In almost all cases there is zero accountability. Maybe this investigation will help. I hope the investigators will be allowed to do their job before it becomes a political circus!

  2. You can bet that Brown had his hands in the till in some way. That's how Democrats do business.

  3. What difference does it make, Obamy will have his lackey Holder squelch it because Brown and his cronies are all Democratiles!


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