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Monday, August 18, 2014

President Obama About To Give The Final Blow To The U.S. Economy


After White House officials reportedly met with big-business groups, President Barack Obama is considering executive actions that will give them more guest-worker visas in the high-tech and low-skilled sectors.

This may come on top of Obama's potential grants of amnesty and work permits to millions of illegal immigrants in the country. While outside groups are urging Obama to "go big," Senate Democrats have expressed some concerns of late, as poll numbers have shown that executive amnesty may cost them control of the Senate. The White House is reportedly reaching out to big-business groups on guest-worker visas so they can give Obama air cover on his potential executive amnesty.

According to a Politico report, senior White House aides earlier this month met with "more than a dozen business groups and company officials to discuss potential immigration policy changes they could make." According to the outlet, "Oracle, Cisco, Fwd.US, Microsoft, Accenture, Compete America, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce" were represented at the meeting.



  1. See just what I've been telling everyone. It's your great companies such as our own local perdue that is pushing for immigrants and amnesty. This assures them a steady supply of workers who will work for low wages. Keep on cheering them while your area continues on it's downward spiral though.

  2. Let me assure you, I will NOT purchase ANYTHING for ANY company that participates.

    With Veterans in the tens of thousands out of work as well as unemployment being as high as it is, enough is enough with this piece of crap president.

    In fact, enough is enough with the entire Democratic Party.

    They will allow these illegals to storm into the US and now take over millions of jobs while raising the minimum wage. Trust me, these people had this plan in mind the entire time.

    Enough is enough.

  3. Joe you should start publishing a list of those businesses that are employing the illegal immigrants so people can boycott.

  4. See? He's been saying all along that he has a razor focus on new jobs. Here you go! New jobs!

  5. It will push small business out of business who can't hire illegals or even legal immigrants if they don't speak English.I watched the student housing go up on Dykes road they had at least 100 Mexicans on that project.

  6. We need a new President, even if it's Joe Biden.

  7. And the very same individuals who insisted that we exit Iraq now think we should go back & confront ISIS with 'great force'.The peanut gallery is a great place to be.

  8. I went to Classic Cakes on Eastern Shore drive to pick up my cake. They had over ten workers including the cashier were all Hispanic. Only one spoke English. I certainly hope none were here illegally. I want to help a local business, but if they are not helping local people, I don't want to do business with them. I am tired of jobs being outsource and in-sourced from foreign counties. Jobs need to go to Americans.

  9. Joe and others it is the democrat/communist plan. They will raise the minimum wage and this will force more small companies and little mom and pop shops out of business.
    Less competition and less choices for people to get jobs, which keeps wages low.

    The democrats and of course the large business want all trade commerce and services to be controlled by a handful of companies. They control healthcare and now the next step is employment and limited places where to spend our money so we have no choices.
    It's the democrat plan. Don't vote for any of them even locally.

  10. "Anonymous said...
    We need a new President, even if it's Joe Biden.

    August 18, 2014 at 8:31 PM"]

    If Obama dropped dead this moment the world would immediately be a little better place. He serves no useful purpose-never has never will. There is a special place in hell for him as well as his supporters.

  11. It is, as stated above, all part of the plan to destroy the economy of the country, already well under way, for the fundamental change to socialism/communism!!!!! Those of us not for this change better start stepping up to the plate.

  12. I think ANY company that supports any liberal politician(s) should be boycotted immediately! This is one of the ways we can make a difference.


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