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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Poll: Romney breaks away in Iowa

The day after Mitt Romney opened the door to another possible presidential run, a new poll shows he has a huge lead among likely 2016 Iowa Republican caucus voters.

According to a USA Today/Suffolk University poll released Wednesday, 35 percent of likely GOP caucus voters would vote for the 2012 GOP nominee in 2016. When Romney’s name was added to the pool, no other candidate received double-digit votes.

The survey comes as rumors have begun to swirl about a potential Romney bid for president in 2016. After months of insisting that he will not run again, the former Massachusetts governor on Tuesday acknowledged that “circumstances can change.”



  1. Can't Republicans come up with anyone who actually has a chance of winning?

  2. Nixon and Reagan changed their minds how many times? Good for Romney. If he runs, he will win. AMERICA NEEDS STRONG BUSINESS MINDED/EXPERIENCED LEADERSHIP.

    1. Never forget this about Liberal Democrats, they Never find a reason to change their Liberal Party position. Common sense nor fact never factors in their vote. Confrontation of fact only makes their miniscule brains angry and more determined. They'll never see the light of fiscal responsibility. They believe deeply in the FREE gravy train. Romney was a loser in the past and even though I voted for him, he never looked like the light at the end of the solution tunnel. I hope you're right, but I expect you're going to be wrong about his chances of winning the presidency. But if he does run again, I'll have to vote for him again. I hold little to no hope for change in our future. The Libs have a stranglehold on politics, that just keeps getting tighter. Take a hard look at the 20-30 year old populus/potential voters. Do they look like deep thinkers? conservative based? They look like low rent Snoop Dogg wannabees, white and black. The hispanic immigrants will be died in the wool Democrats for life, after all, they're in for the FREE ride, aren't they?

  3. 10:12... we have to convince them that the free ride is soon coming to an end no matter which way they vote because all this free wielding political handouts has undermined the whole country and soon their only way of life will being ending. Wait..... that would be nearly impossible because most of the people they pay to vote democratic cannot read or reason.

  4. I would vote for Romney...but the spoiler will be Ben Carson. The Republicans don't stand a chance in H%LL of getting in if these 2 run against each other and split the vote early on.

  5. 10:12, I voted foe Gary Johnson in the last election for two very important reasons. First, he was the best candidate for the job, and second, it's high time people stepped up to the plate and show that it's okay to step outside the R&D parties to elect the right candidate!

    Ron Paul is ten times the man Robamney ever was, but the ignorant GOP was scared that he would show the party's shortcomings and get rid of the graft and corruption that they so much enjoy filling their pockets with every year.

    And sheeple like you follow them along voting for pieces of excrement like Robamney because you feel that if you step up outside the Big Two, you will be a loser!

    Well, after 50 years of voting within the "Big Two", how does being a "winner" feel?

    1. I'm 10:12 and as a conservative sheeple, know full well the Republicans only represent big business. They pander to middle America for votes but forget them in the long run. As a sheeple I voted twice for Ralph Nader. Why? Because I saw a public service discussion between he and his mother on TV. He was genuine, unassuming and truthful about his beliefs. I said the night that it aired, if he ever runs, I'll vote for this guy, because at least he speaks the truth. Of course when he did run, I knew my vote was for nada, when it happened again, deja vu all over again. I pick losers over liars. I have never liked nor taken advantage of any FREE ride in my 66 years. A little too late for change, either way. My parents, for the first time in their 85+ years as Republicans have said, after Obama's second win, that's it, we're done. I'm leaning in their direction. Knowledge of the world and the global politics, factored in with compression, common sense, gives little reason to continue to vote. The fix is in, America as we knew it, is down for the count, and the Republicans have done everything in their power to help. The bunch are traitors and if I had my way for one day, I'd line the majority of them up against the way and give traitors what they deserve. A fresh start would ban wealth, lawyers, judges from ever holding office. The middle working class of every color could return America to what she was. The majority of imports would be heavily taxed or banned outright, thus creating new American businesses again, not those pretend Obama b.s. businesses he's always touting. I see little hope.

  6. Ben Carson would make a fine running mate for Romney, Ben Carson as VP should focus on the healthcare debacle.

  7. Romney is Obama, with more corporate entitlements. We need term limits in Congress, and need fresh blood. There should be certain things one needs to qualify to run this Nation. Serving in the military should be mandatory, owning (or running) a business should be mandatory, as well.

  8. 4 years beginning in 2016 can make a positive change,but at least 8 will be necessary to turn things around.Hard to believe how much we've slipped.Go Romney!


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