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Monday, August 18, 2014

Police: Carjacker Shot, Killed After Throwing Female Driver to the Ground

On August 15 a 29-year-old carjacker was reportedly shot and killed by a good Samaritan after pulling a Phoenix-area woman from her car, throwing her to ground, and driving off with her vehicle.

According to police he also nearly ran down a female onlooker who tried to intervene.

According to Fox 10 Phoenix, the suspect, police said, "approached a woman getting out of her car across the street from Loma Linda Elementary." He asked if he could borrow her phone; she said "no" because she did not know him.

The suspect then allegedly "grabbed" the woman, threw her to the ground, and climbed into the driver's seat.



  1. As your President Obama said excessive use of force is inexcusable. your killing our children.

  2. Another reason for keeping the Second Amendment, and striking down laws like Maryland recently passed.

  3. I'm pretty sure that if this did actually happen here in Maryland the neighbor/shooter would be in jail and charged with murder. It sure makes a difference where you live, I'm seeing that more and more every day.

  4. Why would a good sam even report this? If no one saw him do it and the person who was carjacked gave their statement why take a chance on getting prosecuted for taking the appropriate action?


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