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Sunday, August 03, 2014

Pittsville Town Theft Investigation Heads To States Attorneys Office

Back in September 2013 we published an article stating Carla Moore, (the President of the Town Commission's Daughter) has been terminated from her job. 
In August of 2013 the Town was audited and they found some discrepancies in the bookkeeping. 

It should be clearly noted that there was nothing published in the Daily Times, nor did WBOC or WMDT pick up on this story and allow me to explain.

Salisbury News was created for just this kind of situation. You see, Towns like Pittsville ADVERTISE meetings, foreclosures, past due taxes and so forth, therefore businesses like the Daily Times tend to IGNORE situations like this. Greg Bassett tells people that he refuses to put out information that will bring down Salisbury and Wicomico County, like some others choose to do. Nice cushion there Mr. Bassett. In other words, you REFUSE to tell the TRUTH. 

Salisbury News is NOT influenced by our advertisers and I have stated this since day one. 

Well, it turns out this case has now been turned over to the States Attorneys Office with the recommendation of charges to be filed.

It turns out we are talking about finances missing, (according to sources) in the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS

While this is an ongoing investigation I'm confident we'll not get information from the States Attorneys Office, not the Office of the Town attorney Paul Wilber. 

Remember Ladies & Gentlemen, there are THREE people that sign off on the checks for the Town. Carla Moore's Father is one of them. It is rumored he is throwing his Daughter under the bus, so to speak.  

Am I the bearer of all this BAD NEWS bringing down Salisbury and Wicomico County, (such as WCBOE Gift Cards) or are we the only source willing to blow the whistle on the Eastern Shore Corruption?

Either way, we will continue to do what we do best as we are just as invested in this Eastern Shore as every one of you are. Now let's wait and see what the States Attorneys Office does with this case. 


  1. Thank you. We have been waiting to hear what was going on. Throw Denver under the bus too. I hear he has furniture in his house paid for with town credit cards.

  2. And how about restitution and fixing the water?

  3. Told you a big STINk was coming. Almost $300,000.00 in unauthorized purchases.

  4. The prisoners at ECI would love Denver Moore as a cell mate.

  5. Get ready for the tax increase next year!!
    More research needs to be done on the purchases of vehicles from Denver like the green van and red truck. Two vehicle dealers in town Bromley and Pittsville Ford and the town buys used vehicles from Denver Moore on the town commission. How much do we pay him or what benefits are we paying for like insurance, etc. for him hanging around at the town hall everyday. I watched two fools working on a water leak yesterday and almost caused an accident with one trying to direct traffic. Get Denver out there to sweat and work if he is getting paid and benefits. Look at all the money they just wasted on that old warehouse. Hell you could have built a new pole building for what they have spent on that building. Just open the town office up once a month for bill payments as I am sure the older folks probably don't have credit cards, etc. and have bill payment available on line. Not that I want one, but here it is almost August and we haven't see the first tax bill yet. I have it set up to get a draw each July 1 on one of my investments to pay my taxes, but cant get a bill. Outsource all of this to the county and close up.

    1. Denver has cheated people as long as i can remember 25 plus yrs. Carla and her friends party a mighty high life. Kathy is the only honest person there. I wonder who fired poor carla...? Denver has talked about everyone lets see how he feels now people talking about his baby.

  6. 12:32
    What warehouse are you talking about?

    They have gone without Carla for a year and not hired anyone. I guess they really didn't need someone to fill that position huh?

    They can't get rid of Kathy. She seems to be the ONLY one that can answer a question when you ask it. When she was gone for that short time you couldn't find out anything.

  7. I don't think your wrong for exposing the facts of what happened. Its the taxpayers dollars they handle and it should be exposed. The problem now and lack of trust in the government is the everybody wanting to cover everything up!!! that's why there is NO FAITH in government of any size!

  8. Thank you for reporting county news. it IS important to all of us.

  9. Will be greatly interested to see if Carla is made to pay back all these funds. As far as the Town goes exactly what is Denver doing about the water situation instead of telling people they need to flush out their water heaters or replace them. As far as I know not everyone in the town has a bad water heater but we cannot drink the water due to it being brown or smelling so bad from the chlorine that you can' get it to your nose but we sure did get an increase on our bill. I guess the stolen funds will be coming out of our pockets. Also get off your butt and take care of the cat situation in our town and don't pass the buck to another department. This is your town act like it and earn your paycheck.

  10. public servants!

  11. 1:50 In their eyes, that is your title. Pay tax after tax, and they still feel the need to push everything on to you.

  12. The nut didn't fall far from that family tree.

  13. If Greg Bassett said he would never print anything to hurt Salisbury and Wicomico, then he is a big fat liar.

    He printed one lie after another against Debbie Campbell and made it sound like Salisbury government was dysfunctional every day due to people who were NOT the ones to blame. Not once did he see to it that the ones to blame were held accountable.

  14. It's time for the town charter in Pittsville to be dissolved and let the County Council take over.

    Salisbury should be next.

  15. Does that girl have any idea how trashy she looks in that selfie, in a costume saying "free rides" right above her breasts?

  16. 2:17, Bassett has a new newspaper and I was told by several people this is something he stated in an editorial recently in that paper.

    However, you are absolutely correct. What Bassett wants to destroy people he will do so in a heartbeat.

    I'll never forget when the lawsuit between me and Chief Webster settled I DEMANDED that the terms were very clear, "All parties resolved their differences on NON MONETARY TERMS".

    Bassett REFUSED to publish that. Bassett wanted the public to believe Webster had somehow won the case and HE DID NOT. Webster ran out of money and I was KIND enough to let him out of the lawsuit, as long as he agreed to publicize those terms. Believe me, he was furious but he had no choice.

    I wouldn't trust Greg Bassett as far as I could throw him.

  17. ten more days in this shithole. Thank god it's almost over.

    I can't wait to drink water I don't have to buy in plastic, to breathe air not fouled by chickens, to send my kids to a school that doesn't have gang issues, to live in a small town with talented, educated, artistic, generous and kind people, to live in a town that celebrates its heritage instead of destroying it and to have the people's republic of Maryland in my rear view mirror.

    aah, I can smell the sea air, already...

  18. I was going to say the same thing 2:25. The epitome of White Trash. No one should be the least bit surprised that she would steal. The way someone looks and handles themselves is worth more than a thousand words.

  19. The warehouse is next to the town hall. It has a Sheriff sign on it but they haven't used that office for many years. Also see the other post on this story where Denver had the town take over the Lions Club building at the taxpayer expense I believe it has been painted and new roof on it. The only time it is used is when Denver family wants to have a party there. Denver was/is the treasurer for the Lions Club and Graveyard. I hear both of them are bankrupt or running out of money too. We need to stand up for a change and quit complaining on here.

  20. Wow that name again, Paul Wilber!

  21. Thanks Joe for reporting well done.If it were'nt for you well we know the rest.

  22. The town probably paid for Carla's oufit, phone, and raft she is laying on..and the beer she is drinking

  23. How many of the other commissioners knew about all of this? If they knew about this and still voted for Denver to remain the president they should also be handed their walking papers. Maybe Denver just gave money to the fire department to keep the firemen on the commission hushed about this.

  24. It does appear by looking on MD Judiciary that the family does have difficulties paying their bills. There are 2 liens as well. One for nearly $30,000 to the US government and over $5000 to PRMC. It's not unheard of for people who won't live within their means to justify stealing. These character flaws tend to go hand in hand.

  25. At least one other Town Commissioner has to be at fault because all checks are supposed to have two signatures. Denver was the Tres then became President. I think Whited might be the Treasurer. They have known about this before the election and did not even advertise the election properly in the paper.

  26. How and WHY did she even have access to any of the town funds? Does she have any education in accounting or bookkeeping? I guess she was just hired by her daddy so they could fill a position that didn't need filling. How long did she work there? All that tax payers money that was wasted needlessly.

  27. is this the town where Norm & Jim got the MD taxpayers' $40k for the Lions Club?

  28. 4:21
    No that was Willards.

  29. The sad part is that most of these people have nothing but the MSM to depend on for news.
    It's time for this blog to expand to TV. Yes , what a good idea , what do you guys think?
    What the hell , I've been following this news source for over 8 years.

  30. Dang SHE is a HOTTIE and WOW...allow me to be nice...LOL..

  31. I wonder if those big puppies are really hers? Perhaps that's where the $5000 bill to PMRC came from.

  32. LOL 4:46 You know it was. Par for course for that type. Not a pot to take a leak in but out getting fake boobs and tattoos.
    And then only as a mother of the year would do, lovingly puts a picture of her child amid the cleavage and the attempts to look sexy.

  33. What I am upset about is everyone saying so much negative stuff about these people. You don't have to say these things about these people like this. Let the attorneys decide.

  34. How do we force daily slime to do its job?....i stopped the libtard rag years ago but it needs to go....everychance i get i let management of stores..... i dont approve if you advertise with them..any other ideas?

  35. The said thing is everyone is just non stop negative things. So because of all this going on. You have to question health? She not allowed to get sick. What happened to not saying anything at all if it wasn't nice. People are just so quick now adays to be to say something rude. People are ignorant on the whole situation let the attorneys who have pulled at the evidence together to decide who is guilty or not.

  36. Halloween costumes have really taken a dive over the years, and the line between child and adult themes has been virtually erased.

  37. No the sad part is all of these people are so negative. Do you know if she did accounting when to college in booking. Does it matter if she's had a boob job. Doesn't mean it was the 5000 that was from prmc? No one can get sick now? She had a beer in her had? Because 99% of these people have not had a beer before? What I'm saying is everyone should not be so rude and judging on this situation. I am possible we are all some how ignorant on different facts. We should let the attorneys office do their investigations and leave all the negative and unneeded comments to themselves. Hey if you ain't got anything nice to say don't say it at all

  38. Unknown, shut up, no one is listening to your whining.

  39. I do not drink beer so my knowledge of cans is from the grocery store shelf. I am wondering how you folks know that is beer in her hand. The majority of the can is covered by cold holder. The can looks to be tall so I thought it was the tea that is sold in cans.

  40. 4:58,5:04,5:16 I lived in Pittsville for years(Thank God I don't any longer) and the only thing to say about these people is negative, they think they are better than anyone else and very rude people. I really hope they finally get what's coming to them. Then will they think they are better than anyone else? Probably if they pay their way out of it with the towns money.Can't stand them!!!

  41. If you knew carla then you would know thats a beer in her hand

  42. Slide over. I'll do the driving.

  43. Look for charges on credit cards as well, say in Nebraska! Now why would a town credit card be actually being used out of state??? Yeah anyone that knows her personally understands her selfie, because it is a true selfie - loose in all ways - including with the towns money! There were numerous people who benefited from Pittsville townspeople's hard earned money!

  44. JOE, THANK YOU so MUCH for keeping this area informed. I always wondered why some news was considered too sensitive for us poor country folk. I should have known it was all about the ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR. $$$$$$$$

  45. There's another one that has been swept under the rug at United Needs and Abilities. This particular case has never seen the light of day and is similar in nature. The big difference is that this individual stole funds from people with developmental disabilities. Nothing has been done to prosecute this individual. It's thousands of dollars. Why she has never been charged is beyond me. This is the same place that has condo units on the river. Check that one out if you really want to see something.

  46. I also warned you all last year at election time and yet the Town voted to keep the Firemen and theif on. My wife ran for a seat but lost. She could have fixed this. BTW they are hiring someone to replace Carla and rumors are she has big demands!! Denver needs to resign and do it now!! He knew all about this especially if the money stolen really is that much!!

  47. Jim who has big demands and why even bother to hire someone. They have gone a year without needing anyone. I voted for your wife. It's time we get the firemen off of the town commission! They run the town like they run the fire department. Once you give them a title they don't want to do anything. To many chiefs and not enough indians. No wonder most of the calls have to be toned out 2 or 3 times. All those volunteers and none of them want to get off their butt and do anything......until it's time firemens week in OC. They come out of the woodwork then.

    1. People work for living the only and plus we get the engine out wen we get calls the tones go off more than once depending on wat the call is so y don't bash something else and get your facts straight before you post something and yes Carla is in the wrong but you should be bashing that not the fire department

  48. Anonymous said...
    LOL 4:46 You know it was. Par for course for that type. Not a pot to take a leak in but out getting fake boobs and tattoos.
    And then only as a mother of the year would do, lovingly puts a picture of her child amid the cleavage and the attempts to look sexy.

    July 31, 2014 at 4:54 PM

    She is always posting things about having sex on her boyfriend or hubby's FB page.

    1. What does it matter? Are you her keeper???

  49. Sooooo is she In trouble for Facebook the town or everyone thinking she has fake boobs. What the hell is wrong with you people? Each and every one of you can run ur mouths on here but won't say it to her face. If you know her you know her well.

    1. Your right, I mean really what's going on here?

    2. Exactly they will smile, wave, and act like nothing happen.

  50. Wait folks for the tax increase is all I can say...I heard the same thing last night that they have hired some big shot that starts on Monday to handle and review the finances. Denver does not think he is responsible and does not want to lose all his free perks and insurance and ability to sell vehicles to the town. He wants to sit his behind in the office and is planning to make life unbearable for the new person instead of giving them an office going to put them in the outside shed or large meeting room. The problems start with Denver and have all along. The election was not properly advertised and should be reported to the attorney general and election office to make them have another one properly advertised. Maybe then someone could run and win. We all including myself need to get to the town office at the next meeting and demand some answers and watch Denver and his fireman friends squirm at the meeting. Like Joe said, where is the other press besides this blog?

  51. Anonymous said...
    Sooooo is she In trouble for Facebook the town or everyone thinking she has fake boobs. What the hell is wrong with you people? Each and every one of you can run ur mouths on here but won't say it to her face. If you know her you know her well.

    August 1, 2014 at 9:01 AM

    Carla is that you?

  52. This is only the tip of the iceberg. We need to whip this town of Pittsville back into shape. Too bad people weren't paying attention when they voted for him again in the last election.

  53. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

  54. I see all of you commenting throughout the day.... Are you at work? Lol!

  55. I know someone that she bought a truck for and went out to Wyoming to get him during a hard time.....that's an awful lot of money to just give away

  56. @9:19 it was Nebraska not Wyoming, I know exactly what you are talking about! You are correct there was a WHOLE LOT of money used!!!!!!

  57. "Anonymous said...
    So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

    August 1, 2014 at 3:39 PM"

    Gotta love how people take one sentence and run with it.
    FYI-Jesus wanted people to judge but judge righteously and as a matter of fact Jesus himself was extremely judgmental-he often told people how to behave and called out their sins as he did with the adulterous woman referred to in the above quote.
    John 7:24 says "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."
    Appearance as in things seeming the way they are ie-all Christians are hypocritical, all Muslims are terrorist, and not by the way one looks, though Jesus would surely want someone called out if they were acting seductively, dressing inappropriately, etc.
    Jesus wants Christians to judge as a way to keep people in the fold so to speak and even promoted shunning which is practiced in some faiths specifically the Anabaptist faiths like the Amish.

  58. This is crazy.... she needs to be brought before a judge. It's very wrong. All the people she has stolen from all the family's she has hurt to just fund her car n party's n cloths n man n friends. She needs to go to jail n pay it all back and her dad needs to stop lieing he stole all that money too. Their both a joke all high n mighty with their nose in the air. Time to do your time you both were wrong. Greed greed greed. Let's see if your daddy gets you out of this one..... NOT he's gonna throw her ass under the bus... its all a big joke. There's a lot of thing people know bout hher and her close friends know the money she took maybe you should check close to home.. its sad. All the people who suffered at her expense..

  59. Well now - let's examine the impact fees for trying to build in Pittsville. First off, you have a $5,250 County impact fee + you can add a whopping $10,000 Pittsville impact fee. That is before you even attempt to procure a building permit. And people wonder why we can't attract businesses. It's really a no brainer.

  60. "Anonymous said...
    So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

    August 1, 2014 at 3:39 PM"

    Here are a few IMPORTANT quotes to go with that :

    "He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need." Ephesians 4:28

    "For this, "YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY, YOU SHALL NOT MURDER, YOU SHALL NOT STEAL, YOU SHALL NOT COVET," and if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this saying, "YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF." - Romans 13:9

    Please don't quote only one part of this excellent book! It goes on and on about THIEVES, and how WRONG it is to STEAL!!!! Carla Moore knew what she was doing! She actually told people that she could use the money - the town would just take it out of her paycheck as a draw! She knew exactly what she was doing! As far as the people asking about who else signed the checks - it wasn't all checks - Town credit cards were miss used as well! As far as DEFENDING Kathy - maybe you should investigate her a well! That is a lot of money that is missing, and ANYONE who works at the town that is involved in money - should have NOTICED and said something about it! The entire commission and all town employees need to go and start fresh!

  61. Thou shall not steal

    Thou shall not covet the taxpayers treasures

    Eye for eye

  62. Dam, I can't believe no one is blaming Obama for the thieving mess.

  63. Audits should be done not only on PFD but Lion's club as well. The money for the town of Pittsville, the fire department money and the Lion's club are a triangulation of revenues with Denver Moore standing in the center.

    Another financial boon for Paul Wilber, either way!

  64. Either way, whatever she did is now over! Thank god. Or we would have nothing. She should be made to work to pay it all back. I know I would love my money back. Doesn't she have kids?STEALING? Wow, what a horrible mother!

  65. the only person that knew Carla was stealing was Denver. no one else in that office saw a bank statement, credit card bill or any other bill for that matter. Denver controlled everything and made sure of it. After all, he had to maintain his standing in the community.........

  66. the truck Carla made a down payment on for her boyfriend was returned to the Moore's because he could no longer could afford to pay for it. the truck was not in the boyfriends name. so where is the truck now????

    so lets keep god out of it!

  67. This is like a comedy show Dumb and Dumber. Who is on the Pittsville Town council? What a bunch of halfwits. Bet between all of them they have a collective IQ somewhere in the moron/imbecile range.
    Didn't they check judiciary liens? Require financial statements and verify them? You don't allow a deadbeat access to the till and there is no excuse in this day and age for them to say they didn't know these people are deadbeats. The whole council is to blame. Talk about a bunch of backward ass losers.

  68. 7:44 so very true! But it is a lot more than the single digits of thousands.

  69. This to shall pass

  70. Anonymous said...
    @9:19 it was Nebraska not Wyoming, I know exactly what you are talking about! You are correct there was a WHOLE LOT of money used!!!!!!

    August 2, 2014 at 9:40 PM

    Well name names.

  71. Anonymous said...
    People work for living the only and plus we get the engine out wen we get calls the tones go off more than once depending on wat the call is so y don't bash something else and get your facts straight before you post something and yes Carla is in the wrong but you should be bashing that not the fire department

    August 2, 2014 at 10:54 AM

    Well if you volunteers can't handle the calls and get out when you are alerted or toned as you call it then maybe you need to give that money back to the County. I say give that money back to the County and let the County run a Wicomico County Fire Department with a paid fire chief and paid ambulance service.

  72. Like I said already, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Denver Moore has been at this for decades. I doubt you can think of a way that he hasn't skimmed money. This isn't just about a little amount of money, this is embezzlement and fraud on a grand scale. He needs to be in handcuffs.

  73. Scary that 10:54AM is a firefighter. They cant not spell or write a sentence! I guess the fire training, sorry, far trainn goes like dis, put wet stuff of hot orange stuff to mak go out!

  74. @10:12 I shall since it was asked so nicely!! Wesley White of Parsonsburg was her boyfriend (lover) that she went to Nebraska to rescue on the towns money. He was also the one who received the pick-up truck that has been addressed in the comments. As well as a huge Birthday/Welcome home party for him (at the firehouse I believe). Shauna Price of Parsonsburg also received a huge chunk of cash from Carla to pay off her trailer! Looks like Parsonsburg residents also owe Pittsville residents money. Some of her party buddies: Wesley White, Brandon Jones, Shauna Price, Adam Ayres, Rachel Hurley, Vance Webster Jr., Cody Mason, Cody Huntsbury, and numerous others! Hopefully the State's Attorney will look into them receiving stolen money and property as well! Clean up PITTSVILLE!

    1. I in no way received any money from Carla Moore. I have no clue where that came from. I haven't hung out with or partied with Carla Moore. I know her from school.

  75. I hope that Matt's Office does what is right here. If anyone takes a close look at the State's Attorney's Budget it has increased over 150% since he took office. He and Ireton keep saying crime is down so why all the new attorneys and he is asking for more ????? Joe they were leasing the new office and now the county has purchased it. 4.2 million I think. I guess Joe Holloway and Culver had no problem with the Republican S/A getting the lions share of the money.

    Pollitt what do you have to say about this. Show you got small balls man.

    Anyone else smell a rat here. Denver has someone watching over him he has been a crook for years.

    Great reporting Joe.

  76. Anyone who is the least bit shrewd and knowledgeable knows that all rumors are true to some degree, so I have no reason to believe these people haven't been stealing.
    As far as the truck and trailer are concerned, this would be easy to prove. If White and Price suddenly came up with a chunk of change with no explanation to where it came from (like inheritance or winning the lottery) then they've got problems themselves.
    If they were smart they would get an attorney ASAP and make arrangements to cooperate with the investigation.

  77. Carla did buy wesley white a truck....they split. Than she bought hot tub,tanning bed, put tint on her car n few other peoples car too. Than she bought a camper and a truck out of state for her new bf cody. Must be nice to have that money. But did she not think it would catch up to her. KARMA.......

  78. Your rage about your lawsuit is not true,but who would expect any different. Did you sign a confidentiality agreement, if so you may be in violation. Money was no issue with him, you may be surprised who paid his legal fees, not many people know.

  79. General question - How long does it usually take for the States Attorney to decide if they want to take the case on and prosecute? I am not familiar with the legal system - bit this seems to be going on forever - since 2013 already.

  80. Depends 11:49 but if any of this that is posted here is true, then they left a money trail quite easy to cut through. Matter of getting subpoenas (banking, etc)and putting the puzzle together. If income or other legal means of money coming in is less than money going out, then they have real troubles. Not much is needed to present to grand jury who almost always come back with indictments. After that charges can be filed. I'm thinking there may have been a criminal investigation already going on who then tossed it to the SA's office after finding probable cause. Keep checking judiciary.

  81. "Commissioner" Wayne Knapp hasn't resided in Pittsville for at least 4 years. The whole town is a joke

  82. 3 of the 5 Commissioners are from the fire dept. Look out they will be the ones draining money form the town next. Yes, Wayne Knapp should stick to taking pictures.

  83. I'm suing this town

  84. In these comments my name was brought up, in no way what so ever did I receive any money, gifts or anything of the sort. I only know Carla Moore from school. We have not hung out, partied or anything else of the sort!!

  85. Not sure which is worse on the ES, small town cronyism or non profits like Worcester Youth.

  86. @Shaunna Price I guess your posts as well as Carla's on facebook never mentioned the parties you attended? BS!

  87. Just an fyi to the residents of pittsville, I have recently been told that Carla Moore is currently working again for the town of pittsville! This is an absurdity if there is any truth to it. Has anyone heard the same?

  88. She's locked up. Never to return to pittsville


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