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Monday, August 18, 2014

Pelosi Subsidies Benefit Husband’s Investment in Dem Mega-Donor’s Company

CEO donated to Pelosi, bundled for Obama, as Dem leader boosted his real estate holdings

The top Democrat in the House of Representatives steered more than a billion dollars in subsidies to a light rail project that benefitted a company run by a high-dollar Democratic donor and in which her husband is a major investor.

When cloud computing giant Salesforce sold a large plot of land to the Golden State Warriors in April, it had House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) to thank for helping to swell real estate prices in the area.

Pelosi has worked for more than a decade to steer taxpayer funds to a light rail project in San Francisco’s Mission Bay neighborhood, where Salesforce had planned a new campus. Experts say the project boosted the value of Mission Bay real estate.

The company’s CEO, Marc Benioff, is a high-dollar Democratic donor. Pelosi and her leadership PAC are among the recipients of his generous campaign contributions. Pelosi’s husband is also a major Salesforce investor.



  1. So Joe, when are you going to do a story on WCSD's new MRAP? MSM has been all over it. Also, I haven't seen ole Jakey in the blog much lately, did you cut a deal??

  2. 3:41, Why give him any attention? Mike obviously will take ANYTHING he can get his hands on and jump in front of the camera. Delmar has been getting these kind of vehicles from the government for years. Mike seems to have taken a liking to all the boy reporters at WMDT, let them have it.

    Here, I'll as YOU this. Is crime UP or down in Wicomico County???? Hmmm, funny, the Sheriffs Department hasn't released information on that in years, yet the MSM says NOTHING about it.

    As for Jake Day, the Council has been pretty much 4-1 or 5-0 on each and ever vote. Do tell me what I'm supposed to be posting on?

  3. "Soft Corruption"


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