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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Officials Begin Removing Names From Sex Registry

TOWSON, Md. (AP) -- Corrections officials say they have started the process of removing more than 800 names from Maryland's Sex Offender Registry.

The Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services said Tuesday that other sex offenders are also being reviewed for possible removal for crimes that occurred before 1995.

In May, the Maryland Court of Appeals ruled that retroactively requiring sex offenders to register for crimes committed before the registry was created in 1995 violates Maryland's constitution.



  1. Just...awesome. Welcome them to a school near you.

  2. This is BS! If you were convicted, you should have to register - regardless of when the crime occurred!

  3. @12:58 I agree 100%, and by the way it is in violation of the pedophiles constitutional right - WTF????? What about the child's rights - you know the one that you VIOLATED to be put in jail in the first place!!!!!! Look out they are gonna want to PAY THEM NEXT!!!!!

  4. Just wish that whoever was responsible for getting this ball rolling is a victim of a sex offense real soon from one of these animals that was removed from the SOR.
    Don't they realize that the victims of such crimes receive a life sentence of mental issues, etc. For those who supported this madness, please go to hell.

  5. Since when does a court in liberal give a rats ass about any constitution?

  6. News Flash - Pusey who oversee's the Sex Offenders in Wicomico county is overstepping his bounds! He has told numerous REGISTERED SEX OFFENDERS not to worry about reporting this month - because they SHOULD be taken off the list! He did not guarantee that they were coming off the list - just that they should! It is required by the STATE that they report - how can 1 employee overrule that? I know for a fact that one registered offender did NOT report this month and is STILL LISTED AS COMPLIANT!!!!! FRAUD!!!!!!!! Who is Pusey to feel that he has this power? It stated that the offender would be notified by mail - so no letter you should still report! Pusey has also on numerous occasion told Registered Sex Offenders that he feels that they should not have to report! WTF Pusey - Are you GOD???? Do you DEFEND the VICTIMS of the crimes as MUCH as you do the PERVERTS?????


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