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Saturday, August 02, 2014

OCFD HQ Slated For 3,852 Sq. Ft. Expansion

Under a particularly tight budget, the city plans to move forward this year with plans to renovate the Ocean City Fire Department headquarters on 15th Street.

City Council reviewed preliminary designs this week to repair and expand the city’s main firehouse, which has gone through a number of internal reconfigurations in past decades, but without an expansion of the building’s gross square footage.

“You’ll recall that we expanded the bunk room, we added a training room, and all of this was done without increasing the total size of the building,” said City Engineer Terry McGean.



  1. More wasted money just like the Salisbury Fire Department. Interesting that there are people associated with both departments.

  2. Where do they get the money?

  3. 9:45 Look in your pocket... notice your money is missing? That's where.

  4. Fireman pay taxes too.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Fireman pay taxes too.

    August 2, 2014 at 12:03 PM

    Oh Really?

    Jay Jester doesn't pay taxes in the City of Salisbury.


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