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Sunday, August 03, 2014

Ocean City, Maryland Draw Bridge 7-26-14


  1. Joe as you probably know the traffic was unreal! Route 90 was backed up almost to route 50 and onto to 113 south! I have lived here for over 21 years and never saw something like this. Thank goodness I knew the back roads though they were crowded!!

  2. There must be a Democrat in the bridge tower. For, that is the most ridiculous photo I've ever seen. They'll be opening for jet-skis next I imagine.

  3. 2:55
    The bridge was stuck open. I don't think it opened just to let the little boat go through.

  4. Draw bridge has scheduled openings.

  5. The back roads were crowded. A friend is on St Martins Neck in Bishopville and said she's never seen the traffic like she did yesterday on her road.

  6. Very SAD for local Government not to assitJuly 27, 2014 at 4:05 PM

    I left home yesterday to work in Ocean City at 5:30 pm....I arrived at work at 9:00 pm last night to work...there was no Contingency plan by State Highway,State or local Police....I was not aware of the Bridge until near Route 90...b/c I had a CAR I cold not hitch a ride on a Boat as other Ocean City Employees were doing....The State Police told one CAR "GOOD LUCK" ...WTF????

  7. 4:05 What exactly would be the contingency plan the police or SHA could have enacted to make the situation better? There are four ways into Ocean City, with Rt. 50 carrying the major load. You could have turned around and tried Rt. 54 or gone further north and dropped down through Dewey and Fenwick, but pretty sure they were backed up to some extent too. Seems "Good Luck" was an appropriated answer!

  8. It was a wild one, for sure. Had to be the biggest traffic jam in OC history.
    BUT... Instead of getting angry about an unforeseen, accidental, and a very badly timed situation, how about praising the powers-that-were back in '70/'71 when they decided to put up another bridge?
    Council: Take notes!

  9. 4:05- I know of several people who parked in the West OC Park and Ride and caught a boat over to OC. Another friend who lives in West OC and picks her son up from work couldn't so had him go to the downtown docks and he caught a boat over to West OC where she was able to pick him up.

  10. All the money spent maintaining, repairing, trouble shooting etc for what? A few boats per day? I think the bridge should just stay closed and let the few wealthy boat owners adjust to that height.

  11. How many years before the bridge is replaced. Things will get worse long before then and 90 will never become dual. Glad I moved. Of course I never left OC on weekends in the summer. Way to much trouble to get back home.

  12. 6:26 In case you didn't know it, marine traffic has the right-a-way!

  13. 6:26, I've said that for years. 7:53, park your boat somewhere else

  14. 6:44: Let me get this straight... Because of (approximately) 20 days or so of massive traffic - occurring only during a couple months a year - you are glad you moved from OC?
    You moved away from the beach; the bay; friendly people; a place where fine (and not so fine) restaurants are within 10 or 15 minutes? You moved away from the six months of unbelievable peace and quiet of this town; a place with an amazingly low crime rate, filled with social organizations and charities to get involved?
    I'm very interested to know to what paradise you relocated.

  15. Make the bridge high enough, if not the people have a right to have a draw bridge. Boaters in a water resort have more rights and have been in OC longer than the complainers. I am sure they pay more taxes as well.

  16. Anybody remember how the ride to O.C. used to be? One two lane bay bridge. Draw bridge at Kent narrows. Two lane accident prone Choptank bridge. Draw bridge in Vienna. Rt 50 through Salisbury. No route 90,just the draw bridge on 50the into O.C..and you had to pay tolls in both directions on the bay bridge. Now those were traffic jams. Average trip from D.C. on a summer weekend 4 to 5 hours if all went well.

  17. 6:44 I actually thought you were being sarcastic until I read your last sentence.

    It had nothing to do with traffic. You are inferring something I didn't imply.

    6 months of peace and quiet are you crazy. Not in the last ten years. Sept-Bikers, Oct-Cruisers, VW 's Nov,Dec- Ok I'll give you that. Jan,Feb,Mar- noisy Cheerleaders and the Christian Groups. Apr-Now there is a quiet idyllic month. So maybe 3 months not 6.

    Friendly people. Move to North Carolina or anywhere in the south and really meet friendly people.

    I'll admit the crime rate is relatively low (though to call it amazingly low is a stretch) and there are a lot of social orgs and charities to keep one busy.

    Fine dining I think not. There are some decent if overpriced(only because of the cost of doing business in a resort) restaurants in OC but nothing I would really call fine dining. I have been around the world and have eaten fine dining. The closest OC had to fine dining was Reflections in the Holiday Inn and now even that has closed.

    No I don't live in paradise now I live near Hope Mills NC.
    OC is not even close to paradise unless maybe you live in Baltimore. Trust me I lived in the closest thing the US has for a paradise for 7 years(Hawaii).

  18. 9:19: You were SO close to winning the little debate with 6:44.
    Then you mentioned "Reflections" and "fine dining" in the same sentence.
    You must be kidding.
    I worked there. Can you say "Sysco"?
    There's a reason they aren't there anymore.

  19. Reflections was the worst restaurant ever! I went there for thanksgiving last year and was one of the worst meals I have ever had. Fine dining? Not!

  20. The finest restaurant to have ever graced the Ocean City area was the Marlin Moon which was in the Francis Scott Key complex in West Ocean City.
    While we enjoy many of the OC eateries nothing compares to Marlin Moon. The Eggplant Pirogue (eggplant overflowing with seafood) was my favorite.

  21. 9:35 Admittedly the last time I ate at Reflections was over 10 years ago. They used to be good. When I first retired and moved back to OC we ate out a lot. I actually gave up eating out in OC about 5-6 years ago because none of the places were worth the cost and I could make a better tasting meal of higher quality at home with better service. As you noted a lot of the places use Sysco.
    Thankfully my wife doesn't mind doing dishes. Come to think about it the only time we eat out any more is when we're traveling.
    I did want to try Restaurant 213 in Salisbury but could never find a reason to be in that area at dinner time.

    10:45 You have my sympathy. Having to eat at a restaurant for Thanksgiving anywhere is an abomination. I would rather sit home on Thanksgiving and eat a PB&J then eat an overpriced Thanksgiving meal at any restaurant in OC.

  22. If you really want to try fine dining in the Ocean City area might I suggest Light House Sound. There are at least two other fine dining restaurants but I'll refrain from saying who they are as there are some of us who truly enjoy the fact that you have to know who/where these restaurants are and enjoy being able to get a table when we go there. Nevertheless, trust me, there are some incredible restaurants in the Ocean City area.

    As for Restaurant 213, make an excuse and go there. It is fabulous.

    1. Joe: If you haven't already - go to Happy Hour at The Shark in West O. Don't have dinner. Instead, try virtually all of their appetizers. Hands down the best anywhere. (If you choose not to publish this I'll understand... I also do not like long lines at restaurants!)

  23. Joe, I'm the one who commented at 11:14(among others). I agree about Light House Sound and 11:09s comment about Marlin Moon. I didn't include them because they weren't in OC proper.
    As to R213 probably won't get there as I moved to NC. Though I wish I had because I do love a well prepared fancy tasty meal.
    Back to the bridge problem. You would think the State would make travel into OC a priority considering the revenue it brings to the State's coffers. I did love OC at one time. I owned a home there for over 20 years, but the last 5-6 years a lot has changed there.

  24. 11:48, The Rt. 50 Bridge is proof that O'Malley couldn't care less about the COMFORT of the hundreds of thousands of us who are majorly invested and pay taxes in Ocean City.

    Their only interest is how Ocean City is the #2 income municipality in the entire state without reinvesting here at all. They take our highway road money and use it in Baltimore.

    All I can say is, maybe ONE DAY we AMERICANS will send a harsh message to our state and government that we have had enough.

    We deserve a new Bridge.

  25. Thanks for the tip about The Shark 1:12. I checked out their menu online and was pleased to see they use Chesapeake Bay Farms cheese in some of their dishes.
    The food sounds spectacular and we like to dine at places that incorporate locally grown and produced items into their menus.

  26. I too have been to the Shark several times and their food is fantastic. Fine dining, well, I wouldn't call it that, atmosphere wise. However, the food is incredible. We enjoyed their Lobster Special and it is served with the most amazing mashed potatoes with lobster meat in it, O. M. G!


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