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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ocean City Fire Department Encourages Citizens to Be Heart Smart

Cardiac Arrest is a medical emergency in which the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating.   Last year, the Ocean City Fire Department responded to more than 50 cardiac arrest calls, contributing to approximately 359,000 incidences of cardiac arrest that were recorded in the United States alone.
“According to the American Heart Association, you can improve a victim’s chances of surviving cardiac arrest with three steps,” commented Ocean City Firefighter Paramedic Kim Tull. “The three steps include immediate recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency response system (911), Early CPR with an emphasis on chest compressions, and Rapid defibrillation (AED).”
AED’s are portable devices that can check a person’s heart rhythm and if needed, it can send a shock to the person to restore their heart rhythm.  “They are safe, effective and easy to use,” Tull continued.  “The Town of Ocean City has AED’s in specific locations throughout the town to promote early defibrillation in the event of cardiac arrest.”
According to the Ocean City Fire Department, knowing where the closest AED is located can save minutes in an emergency.  The town’s public access AEDs are located at Eagles Landing, the Ocean City Airport, City Hall, the Roland E. Powell Convention Center, and various public buildings including the wastewater plant, the transportation building, the public safety building and Northside Park.
“Becoming familiar with CPR and AED use could save a life,” Tull finished.  For more information, or to learn more about the town’s public AED’s, contact the Ocean City Fire Department’s Training Department at 410.520.5421.


  1. You`ll get better ans faster service if you`re female toting cold beer!!!!!!!!!!! EMS response is much faster if you`re walking on U.S. 50!!!!!!!!

  2. Dam, Maykrantz has risen his head again!


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