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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Obama scolds police in Missouri: Must be held to ‘higher standard’

President Obama appealed for “peace and calm” Thursday in Ferguson, Mo., where police have clashed with protesters angry about the death of an unarmed black teenager.

“I know that emotions are raw right now in Ferguson,” Mr. Obama said while vacationing in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. “Let’s remember that we’re part of one American family. Now’s the time for healing, now’s the time for peace and calm on the streets of Ferguson.”

The president said he spoke Thursday to Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon about his concern “over the violent turn of events” as police have confronted protesters for several nights in a row.

He said “there’s no excuse” for police to use excessive force against peaceful protesters or “bullying” journalists, but the president also said protesters should not attack police officers.

“Put simply, we all need to hold ourselves to a higher standard — particularly, those of us in positions of authority.”



  1. so, "looting and throwing molotov cocktails" is "peaceful protesting"? i'm confused

  2. "Mr. Obama said while vacationing in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts"

    This says everything I need to know. Fiddling while the world burns

  3. Just don't resist arrest ever.In almost every instance lately where someone has died at the hands of the police they have violently resisted arrest.

  4. now that's the funniest thing I've heard the president ever sayhe's such an effing hypocrite its not even funny him and holderI couldn't care less about white people all they have is a black agenda.

  5. There has yet to be 1 case of excessive force in this entire incident, including the shooting of the police beater.

  6. 3:48 since when is it illegal to walk down the street?
    Since when is it illegal to defend yourself from a sociopath cop?
    Since when is it LEGAL for a cop to harass someone that is not breaking the law?
    On the other hand, the fools protesting should not vandalize and loot businesses, they should direct their frustration and revenge at the offenders of peace, at the sociopaths with guns, at the mercenaries that kill unarmed, innocent people.

    1. Poor little thugs want respect after inciting riots,awww.

    2. Im willing to bet that you won't be the guy who steps in to take the place of all the police officers that need to be taken off the streets.

  7. Guess he does demonstrate his own advice.

  8. what a hypocrite.... so we have armed ...heavily armed police forces with machine guns aimed at American citizens ...funded and supported by the Republican and Democratic parties..... these illegal federally armed agencies need to be dissolved now or their will be blood shed eventually...we are being subjected to an armed domestic internal theat to this nation

    1. Until you need the police, hypocrite.

    2. Your missing my point ...nothing wrong with a normal police force but ...in reality ....i prefer self defence ...as far as MD is concerned...what the hell does the police do for me ? Im law abiding work white honest independent party.. and since i cannot protect myself in public in MD..the police offer me little if no protection..my issue is the militalization of the police forces and other fed agencies...when a cop on a tank in a turret aiming machine guns in america by police... ...i cringe for our freedoms..if this happens for this crap..whats gotta happen when the middle class explodes..from your cheering?

  9. 4:30PM
    You're an idiot! And, evidently have missed quite a bit of information dealt out about the police actions in Ferguson.

  10. The police have done NOTHING wrong !

  11. don't beat police officers and riot and they will be nice to you.

  12. I'm not sure what happened in Missouri so I am not going to presume to say who is right or wrong. But I will say this. How come the President and Al Sharpton are once again on the scene calling for change.

    They are calling for change when young black "animals" and yes, I did call them animals, are attacking people playing the knock out game. They aren't around when places like Baltimore have to declare a curfew just to keep the thugs off of the street because so many people are being attacked and robbed. They aren't around for any of those things.

    I don't even go out anymore after dark and I shouldn't have to be afraid to run to the store after dark, but I am, and it is not because of white people. Not to say that there aren't some white people doing the robbing and stealing also because I know there are, but the predominant ones are black.

    I never hear Mr. Sharpton or the President talk about reforming welfare to stop paying these kids to have babies by fathers who cannot live in the same home. Not to say that all of them would want to, but if they stayed in the home with the girl and the child, they would not be eligible for welfare. I never hear any solutions from these guys. Just more race baiting. I don't even pay attention to them when they talk anymore. After a while it is just the boy crying wolf. Nobody listens.

  13. wow stupid cops everywhere, including here

  14. Black Panthers and now Anonymous in their white masks. Is this country spoiling for a fight or what?

  15. I say we let the kops and the animals have at it. then we can deal with whoever is left! kinda like we do with the mafia!

  16. Just what exactly are the police supposed to do when they show up? Serve ice cream?

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Just what exactly are the police supposed to do when they show up? Serve ice cream?

    August 15, 2014 at 9:06 AM

    no, they show up in riot gear with tanks and snipers, tossing tear gas the military is not allowed to us according to the Geneva Convention, shoot rubber bullets, arrest journalists, toss tear gas in people's yards, you know the stuff reasonable people say is too much.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Im willing to bet that you won't be the guy who steps in to take the place of all the police officers that need to be taken off the streets.

    August 15, 2014 at 1:46 AM

    No, I would much rather be on the side of the protesters.

  19. where was that sentiment when his thugs went to hammer the Bundy ranch protesters ?

  20. "No, I would much rather be on the side of the protesters."

    Well, that oughta make your momma proud. Take a look at these 'protesters'. This is the sludge that gave us 2 terms of Odumbo. This trash has no more sense of justice than the next unguarded liquor store. They would drop you for whoever offers the next free cellphone. You are a complete fool if you think there is anything going on here other than hypocritical racism and looting. If these are your allies, that says plenty about you.



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