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Friday, August 01, 2014

Obama: 'Embrace Economic Patriotism' So We Can 'Rise or Fall Together as a Nation'

On June 26th, Obama gave his weekly telepromptering the White House later titled, “Closing Corporate Tax Loopholes” in which the grand spokesperson for the United States of America, Inc. halfheartedly did his job reading a script on a screen to reassure us all that everything is economically rosy and coming up roses more and more everyday, before he urged the nation to “rally around economic patriotism” and rise and fall together as one nation and one people.

The next day, the White House’s official Twitter sent out the message above with the video.

Wikipedia defines economic patriotism as, “the coordinated and promoted behaviour of consumers or companies (both private and public) that consists of favoring the goods or services produced in their country or in their group of countries.”

Buy American. Well that sounds all good and fine in theory and I’m all for it, but the U.S. manufacturing base has been largely shipped overseas. People with little money to begin with (and working with less all the time) have to look much harder these days to find a product that doesn’t have a “made in China” sticker slapped on it, or a list of several other countries, the majority of which aren’t “USA”.

Bailed out mega corporations have bailed out of America.



  1. Being a patriot is not in his vocabulary .

    1. He is a traitor to America.

    2. Financial collapse is coming stock up.

  2. He wants us to "Fall together as a nation". Don't follow that stupid lure!

  3. When you, your wife, your family and your caddy are so out of touch with real America you can believe what you are reading.
    The POS we all know as Barack Hussein Obama II or Barry Soetoro is so far out of touch with you and me that he needs to be eliminated as a leader, for, he is not a leader at all but more of a dictator not unlike Idi Amin Dada or Kim Jong-un.

  4. Half the country erroneously "embraced" the fraud Obama and we are falling together as a nation.
    Unfortunately the stupid sheeple that got the wool pulled over their eyes TWICE have dragged us ALL into the gutter.


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