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Thursday, August 28, 2014

NYT's Maureen Dowd: Obama Is Outsourcing the Race Issue

President Barack Obama has farmed out part of his presidency during his past six years in office – and now’s he’s outsourcing the race issue, says New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd.

In an op-ed piece headlined "He Has a Dream," Dowd said that instead of handling the crisis in Ferguson, Missouri, he turned over the problem to Attorney General Eric Holder and the Rev. Al Sharpton.

"As he has grown weary of Washington, Barack Obama has shed parts of his presidency, like drying petals falling off a rose," Dowd wrote.

"He left the explaining and selling of his signature healthcare legislation to Bill Clinton. He outsourced Congress to Rahm Emanuel in the first term, and now doesn’t bother to source it at all. He left schmoozing, as well as a spiraling Iraq, to Joe Biden.

"But the one thing it was impossible to imagine, back in the giddy days of the 2009 inauguration, as Americans basked in their open-mindedness and pluralism, was that the first African-American president would outsource race."



  1. "Got GOLF" shirts coming out with Obama's picture on it....

    Have EBT cards and Section 8 Housing paperwork....those shirts are FREE to you....

    compliments of the working tax payers...

  2. there is NO race issue, only a take responsibility issue. the race pimps stir up this pot continually but not one takes responsibility.

    actually, if white, yellow, black, red, purple, green people took NO responsibility what would we call it??? duh...

  3. Saying that this is not a racial issue it is like stating that rain is not wet. To know that the president turned anything over to Sharpton is sickening to me. We need to get out of this time warp and begin again. I will vote republican 2016 BUT more importantly I will vote for someone who is not HOG TIED TO THE PAST and will be able to see this problem for what it really is. Time to stop putting lipstick on that pig.

    1. Yes, seeing the problem for what it really is...racism is alive and well in America.

  4. I work late so I'm just seeing this. I totally agree. We need to just take this country back and find a president who will lead and stop hiding behind outdated dogma. We really do need a change for good in 2016. I will vote for the person who looks the most like an economics major...someone with real life experience and someone hopefully who can turn this country in another direction. That was what Obama was charged to do but was not capable of doing and he now is thumbing his nose at us by putting Sharpton in charge.

  5. LOL @ 721. You read an opinion piece that says Obama "turned it over to Sharpton", without any regard to the facts, yet now the phrase becomes a part of your political narrative. Please, you and other low-skill thinkers from either side, stay home on election day.


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