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Monday, August 04, 2014

Now USA Today Tells Our Story

FAA probe shows pilot buzzed mall, his house at 500 feet

US Airways passenger Flight 4343 was on its way to the Salisbury-Ocean City: Wicomico Regional Airport when a rapid descent caused the flight attendant to look out the window.

What she saw was scary. The plane was low, and it was going quickly.

"My brain went into emergency/evacuation mode," flight attendant Charlene Helgason said, according to a record of her phone interview with Federal Aviation Administration officials.



  1. Great job joe....

  2. "My brain went into emergency/evacuation mode,"

    ??? lol.

    1. What a idiot you are!! I strongly suggest that you attempt to read the whole article again and pay special attention to the altitude and speed of the aircraft over the mall...unbelievable!

  3. @11:58.... The flight attendant did not understand what was going on, but knew whatever it was, it could put the passengers in danger, so her flight attendant survival training kicked in. It sounds to me that she was thinking the plane may be going down, and she was mentally preparing emergency evacuation. She was doing her job! I'm not sure why you find it funny.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    @11:58.... The flight attendant did not understand what was going on, but knew whatever it was, it could put the passengers in danger, so her flight attendant survival training kicked in. It sounds to me that she was thinking the plane may be going down, and she was mentally preparing emergency evacuation. She was doing her job! I'm not sure why you find it funny.

    August 4, 2014 at 2:16 PM

    I was wondering that myself. Must be another low iq kop on here again.

  5. I see he just listed his house with Coldwell Banker. Maybe he's finding it hard to find a job around here these days...

  6. My husband was a mechanic at Piedmont when this happened...so many details of this story have not been brought to light in the media...no one has mentioned the fact that the Flight Attendant went into "emergency/ evacuation mode" because
    THE LANDING GEAR WAS NOT DOWN.... a small detail that I have failed to read anywhere..good job Joe...

  7. This whole horrible story has truly been a huge black eye for Piedmont Airlines. I know several pilots who work there. It seems the Piedmont spokesperson wasn't honest in her comment to the Daily Times. Capt. Draper's last day of flying was NOT Dec. 21st. He flew passengers on Dec. 23rd and Dec. 24th. AND
    Piedmont kept Draper on the payroll and terminated his employment on March 28th, 2013. Spokesperson's statement was misleading, don't you think?

  8. 7:08AM. I just told my wife on Sunday when The Daily Times published this story that there is so much more to this story. Piedmont's failing attempt to cover up a few details. They certainly don't want the flying public to know that instead of firing this ass as soon as they became aware of this, they allowed him to pilot their aircraft a few more days. Why doesn't The Daily Times put that in the paper???

  9. As a fellow flight attendant with over 25 years with American Airlines, reading this article sent chills down my spine. Believe me when I say this. Those 25 passengers will never know how lucky they were to have Miss Helgaason as their Flight Attendant that night!
    We are trained to think outside of the box.. she was obviously getting a plan together in her head. I applaud this woman and would be honored to fly a crew with her. BRAVO!!!

    1. I have heard so people saying the same thing. I definitely want a experienced and aware Flight Attendant on my flight if anything should go wrong. She obviously knew that something was wrong and was ready to DO something about it. Thank you

  10. Good morning Joe. Great reporting!
    Looks like The Daily Times is behind as usual and you broke this incredible story first.
    We really enjoyed seeing this story on USA Today online yesterday. WOW!!

  11. 7:08am.. Question for Piedmont "Spokesperson" Jackie Jennings..
    Are you sure Capt. Draper's last day of flying at Piedmont Airlines was Dec. 21, 2012???
    I think the SBY FO who flew with him on Dec. 23 and 24 would disagree with you...check your facts, please...


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