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Saturday, August 02, 2014

More of America’s teachers to be armed

9 states have passed laws allowing instructors to have weapons on campus

(CBS News)
When the school year begins, more teachers will be armed. Since the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School more than a year and a half ago, nine states passed laws allowing teachers to have firearms in school.

It may look like target practice at a police academy, but these men and women are teachers. They’re learning to defend their students against an increasingly common threat: a school shooting.

Their faces cannot be shown because they’re the classroom equivalent of an air marshal on a plane. They carry their weapons anonymously.


  1. I would love it if my children's teachers were armed.

  2. This great, and let's hope when a bully shoots his mouth off, the teacher shoots him!

  3. Not sure about arming so many liberals revisionist history buffs.

  4. It's good to hear that someone has some common sense! These schools that have armed teachers will no longer be targets of these horrific tragedies.

    And, 547, don't worry, the libs will be against arming themselves around children, because they have no understanding of caring for and protecting others.

  5. Give every person born in America firearms..


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