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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Md. police receive millions in military gear

Long-standing Pentagon program draws scrutiny after Missouri shooting

Local police departments in Maryland have received more than $12 million in excess equipment from the U.S. military — from a $400,000 "mine-resistant vehicle" to a set of a dozen spoons valued at $3.06 apiece — through a federal program that has come under bipartisan scrutiny.

In all, local law enforcement agencies in the state have received more than 2,000 assault rifles, 873 semi-automatic handguns and 220 12-gauge shotguns from the Department of Defense Excess Property Program since 2006, according to Pentagon data made public Friday.

Unused military equipment has flowed freely to police for years, but the practice received renewed attention last week after officers were seen in Ferguson, Mo., wearing camouflage and driving armored vehicles. Police and residents in Ferguson have clashed after the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown, on Aug. 9.

The images prompted calls from Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill to review the program.

"Congress established this program out of real concern that local law enforcement agencies were literally outgunned by drug criminals," said Sen. Carl Levin, a Michigan Democrat and chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. "We will review this program to determine if equipment provided by the Defense Department is being used as intended."



  1. This is yet another classic scenario of when the feds get involved it goes overboard.
    Anyone can see local police getting a few select fire ARs and auto loader pistols along with surplus ammo. Or, surplus boots, fatigues, medical kits, etc. But, ruttin' tanks and mine resistant troop carriers and the like is so far out of line as to be, in my mind, unconstitutional.
    We have all seen what this program has led to, some of us sooner then others.

  2. Not Eric Holder! He sends his weapons to Mexico.

  3. We'll be getting this stuff soon enough, since the city council and PD agreed to join the program. How are you going to feel when an MRAP drives down the street, flanked by cops with assault weapons and wearing camouflage?

    If our town is that bad, admit it and let's fix the problems. If it's not that bad, let's keep these military tools of war out of the city, where they can only be used against ourselves.


  4. Gee,the new toys will look so cool during the Christmas parade as we celebrate Peace On Earth.

    It'll be so nice to have our own local Dukakis wanna be in the parade!


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