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Friday, August 08, 2014

Md. Delegate Calls on O’Malley to Give Up ‘Taxpayer Provided’ Redskins Box Seats

A few days ago, Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley said it’s “probably time” for the Washington Redskins to change their name.

In response to the democratic governor’s definitive stand, a Md. state delegate, Michael Hough (Rep. – Frederick, Washington), has called upon the governor and his lieutenant, Anthony Brown, to hand over their taxpayer-funded Redskins box seats, on the grounds of hypocrisy.

“To me it’s gross hypocrisy that they go to Redskins games on the taxpayer dime and spend thousands on food and drinks, but then attack the team name the minute it benefits them politically,” Hough asserted in a press release, which sites a Baltimore Sun report that O’Malley and Brown have spent thousands in taxpayer dollars on food and drinks at Redskins games over the last couple of years.

“If O’Malley and Brown find the Redskins name so offensive they should give up their taxpayer provided box seats,” Hough stated.



  1. I'd give this only a 2 out of 10 on the hypocrisy scale.
    On the other hand, I'd like to see a list of all of the guests in the box while the Guv has had it.

  2. As a taxpayer in Maryland, I demand that we no longer pay for any box seats for any politician...(fat chance, huh?)

  3. He is still a hypocrite!

  4. O'Malley has always been two-faced.

  5. Do as I say not as I do.

  6. What a filthy creep.


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