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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Martin O’Malley Sends Staffers To Support Campaigns In Iowa, New Hampshire

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley will pay for more than two dozen staffers to work on Democratic campaigns in Iowa, New Hampshire, and several other states ahead of the midterm elections this fall, his spokesperson confirmed Monday.

The move to dispatch campaign workers, first reported by the Washington Post, signals the extent to which O’Malley is pursuing a possible White House bid.

The governor’s spokesperson, Lis Smith, would not discuss details about how many staffers would travel to which states. But she said the staffers would be helping Senate and gubernatorial campaigns across the country, including those races in Iowa and New Hampshire, the states that host the first caucuses and primary.



  1. If you like Barry Sr., then you will love Barry OweMally Jr. even more.

  2. Now you see where our 44 tax increases during the O'Malley administration is going. Folks, we've got to start on the local level. Democrats hurt taxpayers by not controlling spending.

  3. Democrats are now the root of all evil....

  4. If they intend to make any headway in Iowa they'd better think again. Governor Terry Branstad performed a virtual coup for the GOP with his recent airlift. The traitorous Democrats, O'Malley, is going to need a magic wand to sway voters away from that historic flight.

  5. Governor O"Dumbass is going strait to hell he will not be elected.

  6. I suspect that Maryland taxpayers are footing this bill, indirectly if not directly.

  7. You can bet they`re being paid as State employees travling on State monies and vouchers. This is the Democratic creedo. If you don`t vote Republican on Nov.5, your as bad as they are NO matter what party you claim.


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