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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Lost Accreditation

Sarasota Police Chief Bernadette DiPino has been on the job for 18 months, arriving after a two-year stint by Chief Mikel Hollaway, who was appointed after the prior chief, Peter Abbott, resigned in 2010.

Confusion and disappointment in response from SPD's chief

The last five years have been rocky ones for the Sarasota Police Department: excess-force lawsuits, leadership turnover, poor morale, political turmoil and budget cuts -- on top of all the tensions and challenges that come with policing a city.

Despite the difficulty, the department maintained its accreditation -- until recently, when problems persuaded current Chief Bernadette DiPino to relinquish the status and reapply next year.

That news -- reported by the Herald-Tribune's Elizabeth Johnson and Lee Williams -- was startling and disappointing. So was the chief's blame-somebody-else response.

DiPino's explanation for the accreditation gap is confusing. That, sorry to say, does not instill confidence in her leadership.

DiPino has been on the job for 18 months, arriving after a two-year stint by Chief Mikel Hollaway, who was appointed after the prior chief, Peter Abbott, resigned in 2010.



  1. accreditation is overrated. Some put on a show, but don't following the accreditation guidelines once the accreditation is awarded. I've seen at ECI that once the accreditation has been awarded, they go right back to business as usual until the next audit.police are no different.

  2. What in the hell are police suppose to do , protect the public , remember that .
    The word profiling is just as bad as racist . Get over it people and don't break the law.

  3. A loser here and a loser there.

  4. 2:27 AM

    stop being nice..causes problems wherever she goes

  5. Not true she is the liberal future. Sad but true


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