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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Local police involved in 400 killings per year

WASHINGTON — Nearly two times a week in the United States, a white police officer killed a black person during a seven-year period ending in 2012, according to the most recent accounts of justifiable homicide reported to the FBI.

On average, there were 96 such incidents among at least 400 police killings each year that were reported to the FBI by local police. The numbers appear to show that the shooting of a black teenager in Ferguson, Mo., last Saturday was not an isolated event in American policing.

The reports show that 18% of the blacks killed during those seven years were under age 21, compared to 8.7% of whites. The victim in Ferguson was 18-year-old Michael Brown. Police have yet to identify the officer who shot him; witnesses have said the officer was white.



  1. .......and 99% were clearly and obviously justified. Hey black men, stop attacking/trying to kill police officers and they will not defend themselves by shooting you. pretty simple. This a black community issue, not a police problem.

    1. You are clearly uninformed and uncaring about human beings. God forbid this happens to someone you love.

  2. 9,000 blacks are murdered every year by other blacks. Where is the looting and protests?

  3. Don't break the law , then you won't have a problem.
    The cops carry a gun to protect themselves , not you.
    If you want complete disorder then stop the cops you bunch of liberal idiots.

  4. Does it make a difference that 55% of violent crimes are committed by a demographic that makes up less than 20% of the population.

  5. Black ,white,young, old, men, women, cops are out of control. And thats just a fact.

  6. NEWSFLASH: There was rioting last night as well. They looted the store where the original theft began. Now that makes everything right don't you think? What do you want police to do? Do you want them to let this demographic take over the country with robbery, knock out games, rape, mayhem? Look at American prisons...what is the largest demographic incarcerated? All innocent..if you ask them. This country will become unfit to live in if someone (police) don't get a handle on this type of behavior. Do I want a police state. NO!! But I ask you....who (what demographic) is creating a police state because they don't know how to conduct themselves? Surely there has to be another way. Martin Luther King is spinning in his grave!!

  7. How many times have you been stopped by a police officer and questioned about, "Where are going" "where are we coming from" "Are you the owner of this car".. you silly people think it's about race.. cops are killing Americans of all races.. Because they are the "law" now.. Instead of "law enforcement"

  8. I was stopped last month and was asked all sorts of questions including where was I headed and I'm old and white. Why do people of color always assume it is about them is my question. 8:55 makes a good point.... I was stopped...but my reaction was different and polite. I was cautioned and NOT GIVEN A TICKET and I was speeding. I would have accepted a ticket with a smile but because I was polite and NOT LOOKING FOR TROUBLE I was given a warning. Attitude people. I had NO problem with being stopped!!!!

  9. Cops are justifyingly defending themselves against an increasingly violent society. No issue with that.

  10. Would you want your child on the street as a cop? Would you want your child to face what is going on today without a weapon or coverage. Would you just like police and peace makers to disappear? If there was peace in this land the police could be the kind of friendly neighborhood help they were in the 50s. Different times...different risks. I would never want my child to be in a uniform. I do believe that all police should me mandated to wear a chest camera. This not only protects citizens form them over reacting...but protects the officer when liars give false testimony like the punk that was saying the guys hands were up and he was an angel. Get real... hatred is the word of the day. If we don't find Peace in this country soon...there will be no country left.

  11. It is time for EVERYONE to be honest and quit all the blaming of others. I have to believe that the vast majority of these Knock outs on the street are done by minorities. THEY need to clean THEIR act up and be honest

  12. It's called due process.. cops are not judge , jury and executors.. just don't tell them that..

  13. Everyone is just too frightened to be honest...they must be politically correct. I am about to choke over PC dogma.

  14. My instincts tell me the basis for individuals to hate cops is that they were caught breaking the law and use that as a 'reason' to hate the police. It is easier to blame others rather than take responsibility for their own bad decisions. They need to 'man-up.'

  15. It would be nice to be able to "man up" in this country without feeling as if you are risking your life. Things said on here anonymous are rarely spoken in the light of day because we know that we will be the next victim if we do. Look at the man who owns the shop where the kid took cigars. His store was looted and he probably has lost his whole source of income. Why is there no dialog in this country...because we are being bullied to death by the other guy. It doesn't matter if you are black or white...someone is always willing to put you in your place without just cause.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    How many times have you been stopped by a police officer and questioned about, "Where are going" "where are we coming from" "Are you the owner of this car".. you silly people think it's about race.. cops are killing Americans of all races.. Because they are the "law" now.. Instead of "law enforcement"

    August 16, 2014 at 8:55 AM

    But you do not have to answer any questions.

  17. These low kill numbers is shocking. Fighting armed personal will usually get you more then you want.

  18. Common Law vs. Statutory Law

    Learn the difference folks. Then the police issue will make more sense. They are tax collectors. The prisons are run as "for profit" centers. They are a business.

    Putting people into prisons for violating statutory laws (almost always victimless crimes) is good for business.

    Life is a game. Learn how to play it.

    Avoid the police like the plague.

  19. 4:45...what he said. If you have ever seen it from the inside...you would know this to be truth.


  20. "Putting people into prisons for violating statutory laws (almost always victimless crimes) is good for business."

    Can you explain further? Interesting concept, but it isn't a fact simply because you say it is. Is there math to support this? Numbers seem to lay to rest a lot of theories, you know.


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