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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Larry Hogan and Boyd Rutherford Accept the #ALSicebucketchallenge

Maryland gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan and his running mate Boyd Rutherford accepted family members' nominations for the #ALSicebucketchallenge while campaigning in Ocean City, MD and challenge their rivals Anthony Brown and Ken Ulman - You have 24 hours!


  1. Sad that it's come to this

  2. I expect the ones with ALS or the ones raising funds for a cure for this disease do not believe this to be ridiculous. This is a fundraiser challenge- nation-wide. Have you heard of "Hash Tag ALS Ice Bucket Challenge" or for the electronic savvy "#ALSicebucketchallenge". Google it and read what this is all about,.

  3. It's not the cause that I think is ridiculous, it is the manner in which the funds are being raised.


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