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Monday, August 11, 2014

It Was Your Election To Lose

A reminder of how well the Barrie Tilghman-Mike Dunn machine worked.

Here's the SDAT document of the property on Cypress Street where Salisbury's main fire department is now located.

Note the purchase prices at the bottom of the form. Sold to Salisbury Trust, LLC by a local, then to the City of Salisbury by that "investor" exactly 120 days later for a profit of $461,000. 120 days. An appreciation of $3800 per day.

This was Mike Dunn's council. And Gary Comegys'. And Shanie Shields'. All of them voted to buy this property from the investors, whose names remain hidden by their LLC, never to be released to the public.

Think about this next time Mike Dunn reappears and wants to sell you some fireworks. And when Shanie Shields wants to sell you some more affordable housing projects using your tax dollars And when Barrie Tilghman writes an editorial for the Daily Times, telling you who should get your vote in city, county, state and even federal elections.

And then there's the wastewater treatment plant. $85 million down the rabbit hole. $65 million to get it right. Fines in the hundreds of thousands all along the way. Thanks again, Barrie and Mike.


  1. barry and mikey are laughing all the wayyy to the bank, these dumb rubes will vote for them again

  2. The IRS, The FBI, and the local prosecutor (State's Attorney) SHOULD be looking into this obvious scam and misuse of public funds.
    But, as I understand it, they are too busy.
    Over $115,000 in profit per month for a piece of property in the ghetto?
    Keep cheering.

  3. The quickest way to get rich is to become a politician. Just look at most of our congressmen. Why do you think they fight so hard to be elected.

  4. Don't forget the Sassafras Meadows annexation, where Dunn promoted and voted for annexation of property over a mile out of the city limits that he and his father owned. Over and above the obvious conflict of interest (duh!), how about the money that changed hands from the developer to the Dunn family?

  5. There should be an Independent Investigation into this affair.

    Thank you once again SBYnews for uncovering this garbage. The scoundrels that have run Salisbury into the ground out to be prosecuted to the highest extent. If ever there needs to be an investigation, its now. FOR GOD'S SAKE FOR THE POOR CITIZENS OF SALISBURY FOR BEING STRADDLED WITH THIS DEBT.

  6. Why dwell on the past?

    Now, with Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen gone, the City is back on the wrong path, with Jakey Day, Laura Mitchell and, of course, Shanie.

    Get ready for real nonsense with that downtown plan -- can you say "TIF".

  7. Dwell on the past? The legacy of that past is our future after the self-serving and never-ending spending of money the city didn't have by that council and mayor.

    Our great grandchildren will be paying for the WWTP until about 60 years from now, saddled with a debt that they and nobody else deserved.

    If the Old Mall TIF had gotten through like that council and mayor wanted, we'd have another multi-million dollar annual tax and public service load that wouldn't be paid off for over 20 years by us, the taxpayers, and our kids, the next taxpayers.

    Don't dwell on the past, but be damned sure to learn from it.

  8. It could be more nefarious than that since money was already appropriated for the purchase when the property was bought at auction for a song and then marked way up for sale to the city. We will never know who made the money because it was an LLC.

  9. I noticed the old fire station is fenced all around, yet there are Sarbanes' campaign adds on the building....trespass??

  10. The three missing names on the LLC would be Mr. Gordy, His wife and his father in law from Massachusetts according to a friend in the business. This man is Mr Dunn's campaign manager and chief fundraiser for Red, White and Boom. He recently was named as project manager for the new Station 2 project. I smell something.

  11. Harvey and Martha Bernstein, Hopewell Promotions. Hopewell sells junk at temporary booths in the big box stores.


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