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Thursday, August 14, 2014

HURT: Hillary Clinton — a woman of no convictions

The rank spectacle of ex-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton suddenly turning on her commander in chief and former boss to shiv him in the back over the burning ruins she helped make of the Middle East is staggering to behold.

The brassiness, dishonesty and shamelessness as she slides into yet another presidential campaign season is enough to choke that old Arkansas draft mule of a husband she hitched her career to. The scheming calculation of it all would make Lady Macbeth take to the bed for blushing.

How on earth did such a crafty street fighter get so completely trounced by such a naive rookie like Barack Obama in 2008?



  1. You almost have to feel sorry for BO. He went into the primaries in 08 thinking he would build up some name recognition and a party apparatus for a 12 or 16 run for the Presidency. Instead his own party disliked Hillary so much that they voted for him. There he was elected President without a lick of experience and no plan. All he could do was fall back on a bunch of rejects he had met in the Senate and a bunch of radicals he had befriended in College and Chicago. No wonder the guy will go down as one of the least prepared Presidents in history. The Democratic party is so pathetic that after rejecting Hillary in 08 they will gleefully accept her in 16.


  2. Everything she touches turns to lead.

    In '08 she started by drafting her inaugural (almost) before getting out hustled and whipped. Then to save face, and stay in the line of succession, she took State job, where she bungled in all directions.

    She's old, sick, overexposed and grossly underachieved. They have a major issue with a lack of young, vibrant, accomplished candidates. Fauxahontas isn't the answer. The despicable OweMalley may go further than we imagine, until he has to face major league pitching.

  3. 2:08 Oh hush ...omally please ..dont make me puke


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