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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Howard County Judge Rules Daughter Will Be Tried As Adult In Death Of Her Father

A Howard County Circuit Court judge has ruled that a 16-year-old girl will be tried as an adult on charges she plotted with her boyfriend to kill her father.

Morgan Lane Arnold was 14 when her then-boyfriend stabbed her father, Dennis Lane, to death in Lane's Ellicott City home in May 2013. Her lawyers have argued that she suffers from mental illness and has the emotional capacity of a child.

The teen was charged as an adult last year, and her defense team wanted the case to be transferred to juvenile court.

If she were tried as a juvenile, she could have been released by age 21 if found guilty. On Monday, Tucker said there was no guarantee she would get the mental treatment she needs over those five years.



  1. She obviously places no value on human life and neither does her boyfriend. Take both of theirs away from them.

  2. She's a real looker.

  3. Was a reason ever given as to why she wanted to do this? Most people mentally challenged or not usually have a reason for killing someone. She did not just wake up and decide today was a good day to kill her father.

    I would say there is much more to this story.

  4. i simply do not agree with the insanity defense. in my opinion, if youre THAT mentally unstable, maybe you should fry anyway. after all, you wouldnt be a productive part of society.

  5. If you take the time and google Morgan Lane Arnold, just under her images in the first article from THE BALTIMORE SUN you will get a different perspective. Her mother is QUOTED: as saying that she is a frail, anti-social loner who suffers depression and still loves stuffed animals. END QUOTE If the girl were convicted in the juvenile system, she could be released by age 21. If convicted as an adult, she could be sentenced to life in prison. Morgan Arnold was 14 at the time of the killing. Her mother told Judge William Tucker that when her daughter was a toddler, she would become hysterical around other children. She couldn't tolerate even being physically near them, Cindi Arnold said. The mother, who smiled at her daughter from the witness stand, recalled that Morgan's day care provider gave her a desk placed off to the side so she could be away from the other children. She was in her own world most of the time, Cindi Arnold said. The girl was later diagnosed with Asperger's, a form of autism, as well as anxiety and depression, My Comment: This doesn't sound like a fully developed normal adult human being that thinks with clarity, it sounds like she was and still is a child with diminished capacity and as such the judge has no right to circumvent the laws of Maryland, that were specifically put in place for children just like her. It's a true miscarriage of justice, right from the get go. The entire outcome, will be appealed on this fact alone, and any conviction will be overturned by a higher court. She's a whack-o, that's for sure, but still a child. Children are still punished differently in the United States of America, allowing for the subtleties of a crime, especially when it's a child versus a fully developed adult.

  6. 2:37-The bottom line is did she know what she was doing was wrong. Yes she did. She and the boyfriend planned this for 2 months. Planning involved how many times to stab the victim, how she would leave the back sliding door unlocked, they sent pictures back and forth of different knives until they found what they thought would do the job best, and even talked about how they would flee. She wanted to go to CA. If she didn't know what she was planning to do was wrong, she wouldn't have made plans to flee.

  7. 2:37-It was pretty much determined that the mother lacks any credibility. This isfrom a HoCo publication from the hearing last week.

    "Tapes recorded while Arnold was in the Howard County Detention Center were played in court Wednesday, including a conversation with her mother in which Arnold said she wished her boyfriend had killed Geiger too. Her mother laughed and called the woman a profane name, stating that she had made Arnold’s life miserable."

  8. " the judge has no right to circumvent the laws of Maryland, that were specifically put in place for children just like her."

    Quite the opposite is true.
    If he would have ruled the other way then he would have circumvented the laws. Proof not emotions.
    The problem is 2:37 "the mother said this, the mother said that," and "Cindi Arnold said."
    No corroborating witnesses to all of these claims by the mother. They couldn't even seem to come up with one person who could confirm any of what the mother was saying was truthful.
    The Howard County Circuit Court Judge who made this ruling Judge William Tucker was the chief of the juvenile division and has been down this road before. You can bet his decision was based on case law, the evaluations of the court ordered and defense requested mental health experts, and credible information gathered at the hearing.

  9. Give this little devil spawn the chair.. This mental illness card is getting over played..

  10. They aren't claiming she's mentally ill but more she's special needs.
    She wasn't so special needs that she had the wits to convince the boyfriend to murder her father as well as taking 2 months (all documented by emails and texts) to plan the murder.

  11. Was the father trying to keep her and her boyfriend apart? What was the reason for such hatred towards her father.

  12. Whether it is a mental illness or not. She needs to be kept away from other people. We don't need her doing this to yet another innocent victim.

  13. A life ruined at such a young age.


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