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Monday, August 18, 2014

Hospital Network Hacked, 4.5 Million Records Stolen

Community Health Systems, which operates 206 hospitals across the United States, announced on Monday that hackers recently broke into its computers and stole data on 4.5 million patients.

Hackers have gained access to their names, Social Security numbers, physical addresses, birthdays and telephone numbers.

Anyone who received treatment from a network-owned hospital in the last five years -- or was merely referred there by an outside doctor -- is affected.

The large data breach puts these people at heightened risk of identity fraud. That allows criminals open bank accounts and credit cards on their behalf, take out loans and ruin personal credit history.



  1. Is the Peninsula Medical System one of the associates in this meld of users and if so what steps have they taken to thwart the efforts of these criminals in ruining peoples lives further that are plagued with any number of physical maladies?

  2. Obama-care in action.

  3. I do not agree with most aspects of Obama-care but I am a little confused on why that is relevant.Was this some sort of government sponsored hack?

  4. To Bob Aswell -- According to the graphic it doesn't appear that any MD hospitals are in the group, but I could be wrong.

  5. To anon 2:16 PM:

    Obama care is a database of all of the things in your life... remember when they passed the bill they were happily saying we can now keep all your records in one spot and now share them with the rest of the agencies who need them?

    Hence the HACK dumb ass... If all your info is in one spot, it is easier to obtain... AND WILL BE A TARGET FOR HACKERS...

    That is why it is relevant... get with the program STUPID...

  6. 3:53
    Come on now. That isn't necessary. Someone asked a question. You answered it.
    Thank you


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