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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hillary, Obama Meeting 'Freeze-a-thon'

President Barack Obama and his former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were supposed to have hugged it out and made up when they both attended a party on Martha's Vineyard last week, but Clinton biographer Ed Klein says no such thing happened.

Instead, Klein writes in the New York Post, the meeting was "a tense, awkward freeze-a-thon."

Clinton and Obama were both on hand for the 80th birthday party of Ann Dibble Jordan, wife of Vernon Jordan, a former aide to President Bill Clinton.

According to Klein, Hillary Clinton and Obama were seated near each other, but did not speak. The Clintons and Obamas went out of their way to avoid each other, Klein said.



  1. Good - hope he butts in to her ongoing 'non-campaign' and sends it in to the toilet....


  2. Sounds like she's racist and he's sexist. So sad!

    Would make for a great cage match; might raise enough to cancel the national debt!

    OweBama vs. HilLiary!

    Coming soon to a luxury resort near you!


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