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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Here's What I Posted Tuesday, August 28, 2012 About The 12 Firefighter

Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't

This story is much bigger than you think. While many of you are only seeing the surface of the $1,500,000.00 Grant accepted last night, there's a LOT more to it. 

There's a financial side, a political side and more motives than you can believe.

While the Firefighters stood up there last night and clearly stated they'll have some 10 Firefighters retiring over the next 2 years and these new Firefighters call fill the gaps, will they?

Will the Firefighters mentioned last night actually retire, or will they stay on for as long as they can to retain a larger retirement package.

While it sounds good, come on now, seriously?

The City Council made it very clear, when the two years is up, are you prepared to let these people go. Hoppes replied, yes. 



  1. I don't want to hear two years from now, HOW CAN YOU LET PUBLIC SAFETY PEOPLE GO! If I am your Mayor at the time and ANYONE plays that game, I'll see to it you're removed from the Salisbury Fire Department immediately. "A half truth is a whole lie".

    This is exactly what should happen.

  2. Does anyone remember who this person was talking about?

    Anonymous said...
    Dear Firefighter, I don't hate you guys on the line. Your leadership stinks and is arrogant toward us people that got to foot the bill.

    I did watch last night and I will say that there is one firefighter I don't have respect for and that is the one who insulted the council as being a Jerry Springer show. While I agree that a lot that goes on in the city looks like that, that man had no place in uniform insulting the people who had the decision to make based on bad information from that man's so-called leadership. That your chief let that man go like that shows a lack of leadership.

    That man and his chief owe the council an apology. If I had done that to my bosses, I would have been fired. The council president showed that man more respect than he gave her.

    Also a lot of the problem is your boss's boss. You are lead by children.

    That's all, over and out.
    August 28, 2012 at 9:11 PM


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