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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Hard To Swallow? Burger King May Move To Canada

Some Burger King customers are finding it hard to swallow that the home of the Whopper could move to Canada.

Investors seemed to welcome the announcement by Burger King late Sunday that it was in talks to buy Canadian coffee-and-doughnut chain Tim Hortons and create the world's third-largest fast-food restaurant company. The news pushed shares of both companies up more than 20 percent.

But customers were already voicing their discontent with the 60-year-old hamburger chain because of its plans to relocate its corporate headquarters to Canada in a deal that could lower its taxes. By Monday afternoon, Burger King's Facebook page had more than 1,000 mostly negative comments about the potential deal.



  1. i think there should be more use of force against lookers and rioters injure a few and maybe the rest will stay home the next day too much giving in to the pansies in this country

  2. Cant blame them...this country is so unfair 2 buisnesses....especially with Obamacare.

  3. The 'protests' stopped as soon as the first football games were shown. Coincidence maybe,,,,I think not.

  4. Obama taxes and policies running more businesses out of the country. We will soon be a third world country if Obama gets his way.

  5. America , land of nothing.

  6. Not happy about losing another American based company. I was given a gift certificate to Hortons when I went to Canada from someone who knows I love coffee and the coffee and crullers were flawless

  7. There is room for only 1 king in this country

  8. You're so right 548, because corporations all have your best interest in mind.

  9. As much as I hate to say it, if I am a shareholder in a copany and they make my shares of stock go up buy moving I am for it. The US has to start making this country business friendly. Just like Md does... . Its not about loyalty anymre... its about money. And I need all I can get.

  10. 7:22-I assume you are referring to the one in Fruitland? As far as I'm concerned,Ute country will provide a more business friendly environment for BK.All will be forgiven if they'll bring back the King commercials.

  11. Hypocritical sob Warren Buffett will help finance this deal.

    At 5:48, Oligarchs Rule! Obama carries their water.


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