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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Governor O’Malley Attends First Council on Open Data Meeting, Highlights Efforts to Share Data and Drive State Agency Performance

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor O’Malley today participated in the inaugural Council on Open Data meeting in Baltimore. The 37-member council — led by the Deputy Secretary of DoIT, Greg Urban and Vice-chaired by the Director of StateStat, Matt Power — brings together cabinet secretaries, entrepreneurs, experts and business owners from across Maryland to increase the public’s access to government information and data resources.

Earlier this month, the Center for Data Innovation placed Maryland in a six-way tie for 1st place for the State’s commitment to open data and government transparency. Maryland tied with Hawaii, Illinois, New York, Oklahoma and Utah.

“Access to government data not only increases government efficiency and accountability, but it allows for the open sharing of ideas and solutions that can revolutionize the way in which we govern,” said Governor O’Malley. “Today’s meeting builds on our Administration’s efforts to increase transparency and make Maryland more open and more accountable to residents, businesses and advocates.”



  1. O'Malley is a Democrat that has always supported Obama so that means O'Malley is a LIAR.

  2. Sure ...isnt that what they promised last time...what an arse


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