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Monday, August 25, 2014

Foley Rescue Attempt Failed Because Obama ‘Dragged His Feet’

Obama doesn’t have the backbone to lead America.
Check it out:

Thursday morning, Shaffer appeared on WMAL radio in Washington, D.C., to discuss the ISIS execution of American journalist James Foley earlier this week.

He told me and co-host Brian Wilson that the recently revealed rescue attempt led by Special Forces earlier this summer failed because President Obama was slow to give the go-ahead:

I’m hearing from my friends in the Pentagon, they are giving him every single option way ahead of time. And let me give you a little secret here: The reason that raid into Syria failed to get Foley and those guys was because the president drug his feet. He waited too long, the intel got stale, and by the time we actually gave the “go” word it failed because we just didn’t react quick enough.



  1. Hello out there....Obama is a Muslim....What do we do with Muslims?

  2. Was Foley a CIA asset?

    Why did they kill him?

    Has anyone seen the actual killing? Is it possible, that the video was fake?

    So many questions

  3. 3:45
    The video was not fake. Many have seen the video and it has been authenticated by many professionals. They killed him because they are animals. Oh yeah and because that is what their quran tells them to do.

  4. God Bless that family.

  5. Now there's a story that will not get reported on by the Networks!


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