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Thursday, August 07, 2014

Fed Finally Finds The 230 Trillion Number: Blasts Banks' "Living Wills", Says Taxpayers Still On The Hook

Having torched Janet Yellen over the weakness of the so-called "living wills" of the Too-Big-To-Fail banks it appears Elizabeth Warren's tirade struck home. As WSJ reports, in a sweeping rebuke to Wall Street, U.S. regulators said 11 of the nation's biggest banks haven't demonstrated they can collapse without causing broad, damaging economic repercussions and ordered them to show "significant" progress by July 2015. Of course, the whole 'living will' concept is a self-referential joke, but we leave it to Thomas Hoenig to sum it up: "the plans provide no credible or clear path through bankruptcy that doesn't require unrealistic assumptions and direct or indirect public support." In other words, taxpayers are still on the hook.

In other words, the Fed finally figured out something that is so obvious, even five year olds were well aware: namely that banks fading into darkness, by way of living wills, is sheer idiocy.


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