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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ex-DOJ official: Federal charges coming in Ferguson

Eric Holder sees everything 'through prism of race, even when race isn't a factor'

Federal charges will be filed in the shooting death of Michael Brown, regardless of what local prosecutors do, according to a former Justice Department official who warns politicizing of the justice system is at an all-time high.

Hans von Spakovsky, who served in the civil rights division of the Justice Department during the George W. Bush administration, is now a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation and co-author of the new book, “Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department.”

He says the Obama administration’s track record on deciding which cases to prosecute and Friday’s Texas indictment of Gov. Rick Perry are just the latest evidence that ideology is driving the justice system at multiple levels of government.

“Eric Holder has completely politicized the Justice Department,” said von Spakovsky. “As we can see, unfortunately, this is happening in other places like the Travis County (Texas) D.A.’s office. That should concern every American. I don’t care what their political background is because that is a threat to everyone’s liberty and everyone’s freedom when that kind of power is used for political purposes.”



  1. Maybe it's time to forcefully remove local liberals from office.

  2. I see a potential jury nullification....unless they move the trial to Atlanta...then it will get thrown out on appeal as it won't be a jury of his peers!

  3. Federal charges for strong arming a convenience store? Wow.

  4. There will be no charges

  5. If they are smart..there will be no charges....BUT...from the looks of the clown side show going on there....they don't seem to be very smart.

  6. They politicize the justice department , the IRS, and so on and so on .....

  7. "Federal charges for strong arming a convenience store? Wow."

    You're not serious, right?

  8. Holder is a racist.


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