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Sunday, August 24, 2014

‘Disgraceful’: Skateboarder Caught on Video Beating Up, Spitting on City Park Ranger in Front of Approving Audience

Philadelphia police are investigating a cellphone video that shows a skateboarder attacking a city park ranger while others stand around laughing and watching.

The beating commenced, one witness said, after the ranger told the crew to stop skateboarding in the crowded park because there were too many children around.

The cellphone video was turned over to police. Mariano Verrico of Essex Fells, New Jersey, told the station he took the video Friday at Philadelphia’s LOVE Park, reported WCAU-TV in Philadelphia.

“The one kid who did everything leaned down and spit on him,” Verrico told the station. “It was really disgraceful.”



  1. And if the officer had a gun and used it we would have race riots!

  2. give it time it will be turned around to be the victims fault (The ranger)it will be just like Travon Martin being such a good citizen, that he was evicted from school, kicked a school bus driver, and robbed an old lady of her jewelry the same day his innocent life was taken!!!

  3. and please note, that this awful act was black on black. wonder if al sharpton and jesse jackson will show up to make sure that ALL people know, that this is wrong and disgraceful.

  4. Watch out, they're going to protest. An unarmed black man is being beaten down. Oh, its being done by another black male. Never mind. Maybe he'll come to the bury to skate at our new skate park.

  5. Skateboarding is not a crime.

    But attacking another person is.

    See the difference?

  6. 4:53
    It is not a crime but that still does not allow them to skareboard anywhere they want. They think they can skateboard anywhere even if it puts other people in danger. Like it or not skateboards do damage things.

    1. And damaging things is already a crime, and injuring people is already a crime, so why outlaw skateboarding? You just create more laws and chip away at out freedoms

  7. Coming to a city near you........maybe Salisbury?

  8. Dont be a sucker...Remember keep them separated ...hostile to each other... and ignorant...seems to be working for some

  9. notice in the picture that there is a mudslime there just watching.

  10. Coming to sby skate park near you.

    1. This incident did not occur in a skatepark. This assault took place in an urban park in Philadelphia.

  11. An that stupid white kid wearing a shirt with a hooker on it ready for action. Wonder if his soccer mom bought that for him. His daddy needs to smack that smile off his face.

  12. You guys
    Come on now

  13. There is no respect for authority figures anymore!

  14. And the idiot filming thought that was the right thing to do?? Instead of going over to help kick those punks a$$e$.

    If that kids baby daddy was around, maybe he would have more respect. But more than likely, he is in jail.

  15. This has absolutely nothing to do with skateboarding and everything to do with the individuals that perpetrated this brutal crime. If they had been golfers would we be banning golf and saying all golfers are criminals? Or if they were ...you get the point I hope?

  16. Every town has a bunch of skateboarders who are a menace.

  17. Anonymous said...
    And if the officer had a gun and used it we would have race riots!

    August 18, 2014 at 4:33 PM

    You know what they say when you make assumptions.

  18. Golfers would be at a GOLF COURSE hitting golf balls, not on the street endangering people.

    We need more skate parks so the skate punks have a nice, clean place to break bones and smoke weed.

  19. Our skatepark needs a security guard or a cop on duty at all times during daylight hours.

  20. Assault on a federal officer. Federal crime. No parole, no reduction of sentence. And no skateboarding.
    Little do these kids know that the FBI is now looking for them.


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