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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Cost To Raise A Middle-Class Child Tops $245,000.00

WASHINGTON (AP) — A child born in 2013 will cost a middle-income American family an average of $245,340 until he or she becomes an adult, with families living in the Northeast taking on a greater burden, according to a report out Monday.

Those costs — food, housing, childcare and education — rose 1.8 percent over the previous year, the Agriculture Department's new "Expenditures on Children and Families" report said. As in the past, families in the urban Northeast will spend more than families in the urban South and rural parts of the U.S., or roughly $282,480.

When adjusting for projected inflation, the report found that a child born last year could cost a middle-income family an average of about $304,480.



  1. Why figure in the cost of housing in the expenses. Seems stupid to me.

  2. The Fed's inflation at work. You can't hide money printing no matter how much you deny doing it.

    It shows up as inflation

  3. Unless you have 8 kids and then the government raises them for free. And...with those kind of numbers...reproducing like rabbits...guess who will be out numbered 8 to 1.


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