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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Congressman On Mission To Disarm Federal Agencies

A Utah congressman wants to strip federal agencies of their paramilitary power, which is increasingly being used to intimidate American citizens, he says, destroying whatever small level of trust the people still have in their government.

Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah, introduced HR 4934, also called the Regulatory Agency De-militarization Act or RAD, in late June and it has since gained more than 30 co-sponsors in the House.

“When we get back to Washington (from August break) we’ll get right back to working on this RAD bill because people know it’s just so unnecessary for the federal government to have this kind of power,” Stewart told WND. “You’ve really got to twist yourself into a pretzel to defend this type of power.”



  1. yes yes yes make it happen!! call your congressman !!show your support !!!I'll be doing that ...call em take back our country from the illegal standing armed federal forces that are not military...if not we will be sorry one day...terrorist are not the problem our out of control gov is

  2. Great idea. Not many people are aware that just about every federal agency has a law enforcement unit including the Dept of Education.

  3. And Flip the Senate in 2014August 12, 2014 at 6:32 PM

    Call 202-224-3121 ( this is the Capital Building Switch Board) and request to speak to your representative...I agree with 5:40 pm comments....

  4. This bill is something that I feel is extremely necessary, if only to begin to demilitarize gov't agencies. However, if it passes Congress, it has little hope of ever leaving Obama's desk as law.

  5. This Empire will not police itself. The government cannot / will not change itself. It is corrupt on purpose. It didn't just evolve into a corrupt organization. It was corrupted. On purpose. With intention.

    The Controllers aren't going to willingly give up power.

  6. Communism... we are ready to come in and take over as soon as the "me generation" max out their credit cards on things they cannot afford and will not be able to pay for. Communism is the direct link to "All hail the government."

  7. Seriously, take a trip to your local Social Security Office and note the ARMED GUARDS. Are seniors THAT much of a threat? This is the situation in the Democratic controlled state of DE at least. I will vote to make this nonsense go away. Will you?

  8. I am all for this legislation, and I support it. Are you listening to me, Maryland representatives? I hear Andy listening, but not Barb or Ben. They tow the Democratic line, and can't be bothered with the peons down on the farm, those filthy things!

    Oh, but they're there to help their farmers!

    And the commenters get a free English lesson from my comment as well.

    "Win, win!"


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